If abortion has become a choice for you, then you have probably gone through so much emotional turmoil that you think it is the only way out. Most women or young ladies choose abortion for so many reasons. One reason could be the time is not right or I'm too young to have a baby. Another reason could be a product of rape or the baby's and mother's health is at risk, etc. For whatever the reason, for most women, the result of abortion has painful after-effects. Abortions hurt women, not to mention it kills innocent children.A woman suffers emotionally and physically after having an abortion. Sometimes the pain comes immediately. Sometimes the pain surfaces years later, when you least expect it. She will suffer deeply with guilt and grief. She will question, "How can something that is a woman's right hurt so much?" Most women's emotional response comes out of grief from losing her child. It becomes too hard to handle emotionally. But, the grief is the correct and healthy response that she needs to feel to help her heal.A woman's decision for abortion for whatever reason, does not exempt her from grieving. Even if she thought it was the right decision, she still needs to mourn the loss of her child. Whether she chose abortion for a personal reason or for medical reasons, in both cases women will grieve with such intense pain that it's too hard to handle on your own. She will have difficulty telling others about that pain.Pre-abortion counseling does not stand up and tell her about the emotional and physical scars that she will experience. So what do women do? They think something is wrong with themselves because they can't handle the grief. So how do they handle it? They often isolate themselves from others because of shame. If only they could have someone to talk to that they trust with their secret, maybe someone would help them with the truth about abortion.
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