I thought you might want to read this from an actual abortion survivor!
MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 14 /Christian Newswire/ -- Melissa Ohden's 19 month old daughter, Olivia, was not supposed to have a chance at life because of abortion. Not because Melissa ever considered aborting her, but because Melissa, herself, was aborted at approximately 24 weeks of gestation and survived.
Abortion attempt survivors, in and of themselves, are rare in our society. Having an abortion attempt survivor become a mother, herself, and speak out against the intergenerational impact of abortion, is certainly even more of a rarity. But by all appearances, Melissa is up for the challenge that faces her in her ministry. "It's my calling," states Melissa. "This is who I am; I wouldn't change a thing."
Although adoption was an intrinsic part of her family and life, Melissa didn't learn that she was the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion attempt until she was in the 8th grade. Finding out the painful reality of how she entered the world truly changed her life and the lives of all of those around her forever, and understandably, it hasn't always been easy.
"Ashamed, guilty, and embarrassed," is how Melissa describes the predominant feelings she had for many years after finding out about surviving the abortion attempt. Even though Melissa felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for being saved from certain death, for many years shame and embarrassment at being "so unwanted," and guilt for growing up to be perfectly happy, healthy and successful rendered her silent.
After a long journey of healing, and a decades-long, but successful search for her birth records and biological family, however, Melissa came forward publicly in 2007 to share her story with the world and provide a voice to the millions of voiceless, aborted children just like her. Since that time, Melissa's life has come full circle, as she gave birth to her first child, Olivia, at the very same hospital where her own life was supposed to end.
In spite of all the blessings that Melissa has received in her life, her search for the truth has not been painless, and many of her experiences have been emotionally and spiritually challenging. Sadly, even though Melissa had discovered that she was living in the same city as her biological father in 2007, he passed away in 2008, prior to ever meeting her. With his passing, however, many gifts have come. Although her father had never told anyone about Melissa, after discovering a letter that she had sent him months prior to his passing, her biological father's family contacted her after his death.
"There's still so much grief," Melissa says about her father's passing. Since initially being contacted by the paternal side of her family, Melissa has now met her grandfather and great-aunt, whom she sees on a regular basis. She has also spoken to her grandmother by phone and her father's wife by email. The pain of losing her father and discovering that he carried the secret of Melissa with him all of his life, and ultimately to his death, is still too much for many in his family to handle, yet Melissa hopes that she will someday meet other family members, including a younger half-sister, that is unknowingly living in the same city as her currently.
Although Melissa has never had the opportunity to meet her biological mother, she has communicated with her maternal grandparents by letter, and she hopes to someday have contact with her mother, also. She is grateful that she has been given the opportunity to reach out to both of her biological parents and their families to let them know that she has forgiven them for the decision that was made to end her life, and has lived a full, blessed life.
"One decision, one single moment, can have such a detrimental impact on so many people, living and dead, born and yet to be conceived," is the driving point of Melissa's message. Melissa's life and her ministry speaks to the true reality of abortion and the impact it has on not just women and children, but men, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, cousins, friends, and communities. Yet it is also about so much more.
Melissa shares her inspiring story of survival and the awesome power of faith, hope, love and forgiveness in by speaking at Christian and pro-life events across the U.S. and Canada, through radio and TV interviews, and through her website-- www.melissaohden.com. Previously a speaker with Feminists for Life's College Outreach program, Melissa is now a member of the Ambassador Speaker's Bureau-- www.ambassadorspeakers.com.
Earlier this year, Melissa spoke at the fundraiser and Day of Prayer for the International Week of Prayer and Fasting in Washington, D.C. She also spoke at fundraising events for Right to Life groups and pregnancy resource centers and also at colleges and various religious events. Melissa has been a guest on Gus Lloyd's Seize the Day, and will be a guest on Daily Life News, a National Pro-Life Radio program, with Day Gardner on December 16th, 2009. Melissa's ministry will be featured on Phil Waldrep's Living with Joy radio show in January 2010.
Melissa is currently working out plans to speak at events for the 2010 March for Life in Washington, D.C. She will also be speaking at the Canadian March for Life in May 2010, in addition to many other events across the U.S. and Canada. For more information on Melissa's speaking availability, please contact Ambassador Speaker's Bureau. For more information on Melissa's ministry, or to inquire about interview availability, please contact Melissa directly at info@melissaohden.com.
Christian Newswire
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Pro-Life Activists Warn Senators Casey and Nelson a Vote for Cloture on Health Care is a Vote for Abortion
Here is an update from Christian Newswire:
Our message is clear. You cannot vote for cloture and consider yourself pro-life.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, will join Pennsylvania pro-life leaders in a "pray-in" at the office of Senator Casey this afternoon in Washington DC.
Activists also plan a series of public events around the state of Pennsylvania over the next two weeks to encourage Senator Casey to embrace human rights and refrain from voting for cloture on the Senate health care legislation.
Cloture is a parliamentary procedure in the Senate where debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken on the matter being discussed.
A cloture vote in the United States Senate needs 60 votes.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,
"The pro-life community wants to make it clear to Senator Casey and Senator Nelson that a vote for cloture is a vote for abortion. Since the United States Senate has enough votes to pass health care reform in it's final version, a cloture vote is a final vote. It is a vote to support the bill.
"Even if Senator Casey and Senator Nelson vote against the bill in it's final passage, they cannot make the claim that they are pro-life or they are interested in protecting the rights of America's children.
"It is hard to imagine that Senator Casey and Senator Nelson would sponsor an amendment prohibiting public money from being use to pay for abortions and then turn around and vote for cloture which guarantees that the health care bill would include taxpayer funded abortions.
"I will be joining with pro-life activists from Pennsylvania today in a 'pray in' at the office of Senator Casey. I will also be working with them over the next two weeks in a public campaign around Pennsylvania challenging Mr. Casey to embrace human rights and social justice and protect America's children.
"Our message is clear and unambiguous. You cannot vote for cloture and consider yourself pro-life."
For more information or interviews contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741 202.547.1735
Christian Newswire
Our message is clear. You cannot vote for cloture and consider yourself pro-life.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, will join Pennsylvania pro-life leaders in a "pray-in" at the office of Senator Casey this afternoon in Washington DC.
Activists also plan a series of public events around the state of Pennsylvania over the next two weeks to encourage Senator Casey to embrace human rights and refrain from voting for cloture on the Senate health care legislation.
Cloture is a parliamentary procedure in the Senate where debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken on the matter being discussed.
A cloture vote in the United States Senate needs 60 votes.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,
"The pro-life community wants to make it clear to Senator Casey and Senator Nelson that a vote for cloture is a vote for abortion. Since the United States Senate has enough votes to pass health care reform in it's final version, a cloture vote is a final vote. It is a vote to support the bill.
"Even if Senator Casey and Senator Nelson vote against the bill in it's final passage, they cannot make the claim that they are pro-life or they are interested in protecting the rights of America's children.
"It is hard to imagine that Senator Casey and Senator Nelson would sponsor an amendment prohibiting public money from being use to pay for abortions and then turn around and vote for cloture which guarantees that the health care bill would include taxpayer funded abortions.
"I will be joining with pro-life activists from Pennsylvania today in a 'pray in' at the office of Senator Casey. I will also be working with them over the next two weeks in a public campaign around Pennsylvania challenging Mr. Casey to embrace human rights and social justice and protect America's children.
"Our message is clear and unambiguous. You cannot vote for cloture and consider yourself pro-life."
For more information or interviews contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741 202.547.1735
Christian Newswire
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Forgiven and Choosing Life
I thought you might enjoy reading this post from October 2009 in the enewsletter from Silent No More.
One of our favorite daily devotionals, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, recently started the teaching with this statement: Walk with God in the freedom of forgiveness.
It’s in the freedom of forgiveness that we find the courage and willingness to be silent no more. Are you living in that freedom? If not, we want to encourage you to consider attending an abortion-aftercare program. Rachel’s Vineyard, Save-One, Forgiven and Set Free are just a few of the outstanding programs you can attend to experience true forgiveness and peace after abortion. Specific information about these programs in your area can be found at www.silentnomoreawareness.org/resources.
Some of you know someone who needs to participate in a program. Pray for God to touch their hearts and help them see the value in going through a program. We recommend a great new book called Over Coffee We Shared Our Secrets, by Julie Surface Johnson as a way to introduce someone to the idea of attending a “post-abortion healing group.” The book is well-written and has real-life type characters.
We hope many of you are participating in the 40 Days for Life Campaign in your area. Experience has shown that when women and men from the Silent No More Awareness Campaign are present at the abortion clinics holding the “I Regret My Abortion” or “I Regret Lost Fatherhood” signs, babies are saved.
At the Allentown, PA clinic, 3 babies were recently saved in one week! Our signs send people entering an abortion clinic a critical message they need to see and many will come over to talk with you when you’re holding the signs. If you’d like to get an “I Regret My Abortion” or “I Regret Lost Fatherhood” please call Georgette at 800-707-6635.
We also just got this message from Edith in Miami:
40 days for Life-Miami is reporting our FIRST BABY has been SAVED!
Elena went to A Choice for Women on Friday morning, around 9:30 AM with the idea of contacting two faithful prayer warriors who are always there in the middle of the week. In spite of not finding them she bravely stood alone over there with her sign "I Regret my Abortion" with her heart focus on her commitment to pray with us for the 40 days. Little did she know that God was already sending kisses her way, and sooner than later She'll be His instrument for LIFE!
As she stood very close to the gate of that place she noticed a car coming in, so she turned toward them to make her sign more readable and to her amazement they made a move away from the entrance and left... "she thought". However the story didn't end there. Just a few minutes later she was being embraced by a woman weeping, and crying, and thanking her, and talking with trembling voice:
"You are my guardian Angel"... "You are the woman in my dreams..."!!!
Then she continued saying that they have already more children, but had made a decision to abort this one. Nonetheless, she was having these dreams where she saw and heard a woman telling her not to abort. When they saw Elena right there, (like blocking their way... that's what Elene always does, she goes as close to the entrance as possible...), she knew that it was a divine sign! They have chosen LIFE!!! And this is only our third day!!!
Another way to be silent no more is to share our newest video posted on YouTube with your email list, www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm_Zb6BgXiM. If you are on networking sites like MySpace, FaceBook, etc, please share the link there too. The new Campaign video is a short compilation of testimonies given at the 2009 DC and San Francisco Gatherings. It is designed to give anyone considering an abortion, a snapshot of what happens when you have an abortion. We also hope it will educate the public that abortion is emotionally, physically and spiritually harmful to women, men and families, so that it becomes unacceptable for anyone to recommend abortion as a 'fix' for a problem pregnancy.
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign has profiles on YouTube, FaceBook and MySpace. Please “friend” the Campaign and add us to your buddy lists, as a great way to be silent no more! YouTube at www.youtube.com/silentnomorecampaign, MySpace at www.myspace.com/silentnomoreawareness and. FACEBOOK at www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=660289885.
Sunday, October 4th is Life Chain Sunday and it offers you another opportunity to be silent no more. To find the Life Chain in your area visit, www.lifechain.net.
Also a special word from our Pastoral Director, Fr. Frank Pavone:
Dear Friends,
We are grateful that so many of you signed the letter we sent to pro-life leaders asking them to promote the video at www.SilentNoMoreAwareness.org/healthcare. This video takes our one-minute campaign spot and places it in the context of the current health care debate, pointing out that an increase in abortion will only result in an increase in pain, grief, and health problems for so many women.
Let’s continue to spread this video as the health care reform debate rages on!
This is an excellent example of how the Silent No More Campaign operates. We do not have a political or legislative agenda. Rather, we raise awareness, so that the legislative and political debates that do take place will be adequately informed by the voices that matter most, namely, those who have actually experienced abortion.
Thanks for all you continue to do! Let’s make this campaign the most powerful force in bringing about a new culture of life!
Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life
Pastoral Director, Silent No More Awareness Campaign
As we noted in a previous email we are updating our records to communicate with you! If you have changed email, phone and address please send the new information along with your full name to mail@silentnomoreawareness.org.
We pray this summer provided you with unique opportunities to experience the beauty of God’s creation and the fullness of His love for you.
Blessings for Life,
Georgette Forney, 800-707-6635, Georgette@SilentNoMoreAwareness.org
Janet Morana, 888-348-3448, Janet@SilentNoMoreAwareness.org
We invite you to submit your one-page testimony to be posted on our website as a way to be silent no more! Send it to Lisa@AnglicansforLife.org. Here are some simple guidelines to help you prepare it:
Here are some basic tips for writing your testimony
- Start with a longer version and ‘boil it down’ to a one page version.
- Be sure each version contains these keys components:
1. Why you chose abortion (who was involved)
2. What the actual experience of abortion and the clinic were like (Comfortable? Humiliated? Informed?)
3. Its affects on you immediately (Relief? Promiscuity? Alcohol or drug abuse? Nightmares? Suicide attempts? Relationship troubles?)
4. Its affects long-term (Promiscuity? Alcohol or drug abuse? Nightmares? Suicide attempts?
Relationship troubles?)
5. Your healing and forgiveness experience.
- Use short, impact statements. They are memorable.
- Have a friend pray for you while you prepare it
One of our favorite daily devotionals, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, recently started the teaching with this statement: Walk with God in the freedom of forgiveness.
It’s in the freedom of forgiveness that we find the courage and willingness to be silent no more. Are you living in that freedom? If not, we want to encourage you to consider attending an abortion-aftercare program. Rachel’s Vineyard, Save-One, Forgiven and Set Free are just a few of the outstanding programs you can attend to experience true forgiveness and peace after abortion. Specific information about these programs in your area can be found at www.silentnomoreawareness.org/resources.
Some of you know someone who needs to participate in a program. Pray for God to touch their hearts and help them see the value in going through a program. We recommend a great new book called Over Coffee We Shared Our Secrets, by Julie Surface Johnson as a way to introduce someone to the idea of attending a “post-abortion healing group.” The book is well-written and has real-life type characters.
We hope many of you are participating in the 40 Days for Life Campaign in your area. Experience has shown that when women and men from the Silent No More Awareness Campaign are present at the abortion clinics holding the “I Regret My Abortion” or “I Regret Lost Fatherhood” signs, babies are saved.
At the Allentown, PA clinic, 3 babies were recently saved in one week! Our signs send people entering an abortion clinic a critical message they need to see and many will come over to talk with you when you’re holding the signs. If you’d like to get an “I Regret My Abortion” or “I Regret Lost Fatherhood” please call Georgette at 800-707-6635.
We also just got this message from Edith in Miami:
40 days for Life-Miami is reporting our FIRST BABY has been SAVED!
Elena went to A Choice for Women on Friday morning, around 9:30 AM with the idea of contacting two faithful prayer warriors who are always there in the middle of the week. In spite of not finding them she bravely stood alone over there with her sign "I Regret my Abortion" with her heart focus on her commitment to pray with us for the 40 days. Little did she know that God was already sending kisses her way, and sooner than later She'll be His instrument for LIFE!
As she stood very close to the gate of that place she noticed a car coming in, so she turned toward them to make her sign more readable and to her amazement they made a move away from the entrance and left... "she thought". However the story didn't end there. Just a few minutes later she was being embraced by a woman weeping, and crying, and thanking her, and talking with trembling voice:
"You are my guardian Angel"... "You are the woman in my dreams..."!!!
Then she continued saying that they have already more children, but had made a decision to abort this one. Nonetheless, she was having these dreams where she saw and heard a woman telling her not to abort. When they saw Elena right there, (like blocking their way... that's what Elene always does, she goes as close to the entrance as possible...), she knew that it was a divine sign! They have chosen LIFE!!! And this is only our third day!!!
Another way to be silent no more is to share our newest video posted on YouTube with your email list, www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm_Zb6BgXiM. If you are on networking sites like MySpace, FaceBook, etc, please share the link there too. The new Campaign video is a short compilation of testimonies given at the 2009 DC and San Francisco Gatherings. It is designed to give anyone considering an abortion, a snapshot of what happens when you have an abortion. We also hope it will educate the public that abortion is emotionally, physically and spiritually harmful to women, men and families, so that it becomes unacceptable for anyone to recommend abortion as a 'fix' for a problem pregnancy.
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign has profiles on YouTube, FaceBook and MySpace. Please “friend” the Campaign and add us to your buddy lists, as a great way to be silent no more! YouTube at www.youtube.com/silentnomorecampaign, MySpace at www.myspace.com/silentnomoreawareness and. FACEBOOK at www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=660289885.
Sunday, October 4th is Life Chain Sunday and it offers you another opportunity to be silent no more. To find the Life Chain in your area visit, www.lifechain.net.
Also a special word from our Pastoral Director, Fr. Frank Pavone:
Dear Friends,
We are grateful that so many of you signed the letter we sent to pro-life leaders asking them to promote the video at www.SilentNoMoreAwareness.org/healthcare. This video takes our one-minute campaign spot and places it in the context of the current health care debate, pointing out that an increase in abortion will only result in an increase in pain, grief, and health problems for so many women.
Let’s continue to spread this video as the health care reform debate rages on!
This is an excellent example of how the Silent No More Campaign operates. We do not have a political or legislative agenda. Rather, we raise awareness, so that the legislative and political debates that do take place will be adequately informed by the voices that matter most, namely, those who have actually experienced abortion.
Thanks for all you continue to do! Let’s make this campaign the most powerful force in bringing about a new culture of life!
Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life
Pastoral Director, Silent No More Awareness Campaign
As we noted in a previous email we are updating our records to communicate with you! If you have changed email, phone and address please send the new information along with your full name to mail@silentnomoreawareness.org.
We pray this summer provided you with unique opportunities to experience the beauty of God’s creation and the fullness of His love for you.
Blessings for Life,
Georgette Forney, 800-707-6635, Georgette@SilentNoMoreAwareness.org
Janet Morana, 888-348-3448, Janet@SilentNoMoreAwareness.org
We invite you to submit your one-page testimony to be posted on our website as a way to be silent no more! Send it to Lisa@AnglicansforLife.org. Here are some simple guidelines to help you prepare it:
Here are some basic tips for writing your testimony
- Start with a longer version and ‘boil it down’ to a one page version.
- Be sure each version contains these keys components:
1. Why you chose abortion (who was involved)
2. What the actual experience of abortion and the clinic were like (Comfortable? Humiliated? Informed?)
3. Its affects on you immediately (Relief? Promiscuity? Alcohol or drug abuse? Nightmares? Suicide attempts? Relationship troubles?)
4. Its affects long-term (Promiscuity? Alcohol or drug abuse? Nightmares? Suicide attempts?
Relationship troubles?)
5. Your healing and forgiveness experience.
- Use short, impact statements. They are memorable.
- Have a friend pray for you while you prepare it
Three Pro-life Advocates Arrested at Unveiling of the House Democratic Caucus's Health Care Bill for Shouting, 'We Won't Pay for Murder with Our Tax Money!'
Nancy Pelosi's event was interrupted with shouts "Nancy Pelosi you will burn in hell for this!" No warning was given before arrests.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Randall Terry, Founder, Operation Rescue:
What: 3 pro-life advocates were arrested this morning at the unveiling of the House Democratic Caucus's health care bill. They shouted "Nancy Pelosi you will burn in hell for this!" and "We won't pay for murder!" No warning was given before the arrests.
Who: Randall Terry; Dick Retta, and Joan McKee were arrested.
When: Thursday, Oct 29, 10:30 A.M.
Where: Capitol Hill
After lobbying and performing skits this morning in front of the Cannon Office Building, 10 pro-lifers (two dressed as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid burning in hell and three dressed as hellish demons) attended the unveiling of the House Democratic Caucus's health care bill. Three (Randall Terry, Dick Retta, and Joan McKee) were arrested for shouting, "Nancy Pelosi you will burn in hell for this!" and "We won't pay for murder!" No warning was issued before the arrests.
Mr. Randall Terry, responds:
"Hoyer says he wants 'rational discussion.' How can you talk rationally with someone who wants us to pay for ripping unborn babies limb from limb with tax money?
"Pelosi, Reid, and Hoyer are lying to us. If child-killing wont be funded, why are Hatch's amendments defeated? Why is Pelosi trying to keep debate off the House Floor? Because they are lying -- child-killing is a key part of this legislation."
Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Randall Terry, Founder, Operation Rescue:
What: 3 pro-life advocates were arrested this morning at the unveiling of the House Democratic Caucus's health care bill. They shouted "Nancy Pelosi you will burn in hell for this!" and "We won't pay for murder!" No warning was given before the arrests.
Who: Randall Terry; Dick Retta, and Joan McKee were arrested.
When: Thursday, Oct 29, 10:30 A.M.
Where: Capitol Hill
After lobbying and performing skits this morning in front of the Cannon Office Building, 10 pro-lifers (two dressed as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid burning in hell and three dressed as hellish demons) attended the unveiling of the House Democratic Caucus's health care bill. Three (Randall Terry, Dick Retta, and Joan McKee) were arrested for shouting, "Nancy Pelosi you will burn in hell for this!" and "We won't pay for murder!" No warning was issued before the arrests.
Mr. Randall Terry, responds:
"Hoyer says he wants 'rational discussion.' How can you talk rationally with someone who wants us to pay for ripping unborn babies limb from limb with tax money?
"Pelosi, Reid, and Hoyer are lying to us. If child-killing wont be funded, why are Hatch's amendments defeated? Why is Pelosi trying to keep debate off the House Floor? Because they are lying -- child-killing is a key part of this legislation."
Christian Newswire
Pelosi's Bill Supported by Partial-Birth Abortionist
Notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart at Pelosi's unveiling of health care bill
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The abortionist who failed to overturn a ban on partial-birth abortion prominently sported a sign at a press conference in support of Nancy Pelosi's health care bill that she unveiled today. LeRoy Carhart is currently under investigation by the Nebraska Attorney General for unsafe medical practices.
Concerned Women for America's President Wendy Wright spotted LeRoy Carhart at the press conference.
She stated, "Nancy Pelosi's bill has gained the support of the nation's most notorious partial-birth abortionist who is under investigation for alleged unsafe medical practices. Pelosi's bill can now be rightly called an abortionist's dream. Under her bill, government money will pay for abortions, even the kind that Carhart commits -- late-term abortions against viable babies that put women's health at risk."
Carhart faces criminal allegations of allowing non- licensed persons to give injections, start IVs and administer controlled substances. In 2007, his legal challenge to overturn a federal ban against partial- birth abortions failed at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The abortionist who failed to overturn a ban on partial-birth abortion prominently sported a sign at a press conference in support of Nancy Pelosi's health care bill that she unveiled today. LeRoy Carhart is currently under investigation by the Nebraska Attorney General for unsafe medical practices.
Concerned Women for America's President Wendy Wright spotted LeRoy Carhart at the press conference.
She stated, "Nancy Pelosi's bill has gained the support of the nation's most notorious partial-birth abortionist who is under investigation for alleged unsafe medical practices. Pelosi's bill can now be rightly called an abortionist's dream. Under her bill, government money will pay for abortions, even the kind that Carhart commits -- late-term abortions against viable babies that put women's health at risk."
Carhart faces criminal allegations of allowing non- licensed persons to give injections, start IVs and administer controlled substances. In 2007, his legal challenge to overturn a federal ban against partial- birth abortions failed at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
Christian Newswire
Pro-Life Democrats Hold 40 Votes to Help Pass Health Care Reform in House
Tax Payer Funded Abortions Could Force 40 Votes for Health Care Reform to Switch
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Democrats For Life of America announced today that they have 40 votes that will vote against the House health care reform legislation if tax payer funded abortion language is not removed from the bill.
"I want to be clear, pro-life Democrats want to help pass health care reform but our coalition can in no- way support reform that includes tax payer funded abortions. If the leadership will remove that language, we feel confident that we can deliver enough votes to help put this much needed reform over the top in the House," said Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats For Life of America.
At issue for the 40 vote coalition is the refusal of the House leadership to include language that would prevent abortions to be paid for in health care reform. For roughly 30 years, pro-choice and pro-life Members have agreed that appropriations should not include any money for abortions at tax payer expense. The so- called "Hyde language" is the standard that both sides have agreed upon for decades. Hyde language would prevent tax payer funded abortions in appropriations bills. Several attempts to insert such language was rebuffed by House leadership throughout the committee and mark-up process in the House.
"We believe in a big-tent Democratic Party, but to not allow Hyde language to be included in health care reform would force some pro-choice and pro-life Democrats to vote against health care reform. If we add this language, we believe we can help Speaker Pelosi get the votes to pass this legislation," said Day.
Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Democrats For Life of America announced today that they have 40 votes that will vote against the House health care reform legislation if tax payer funded abortion language is not removed from the bill.
"I want to be clear, pro-life Democrats want to help pass health care reform but our coalition can in no- way support reform that includes tax payer funded abortions. If the leadership will remove that language, we feel confident that we can deliver enough votes to help put this much needed reform over the top in the House," said Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats For Life of America.
At issue for the 40 vote coalition is the refusal of the House leadership to include language that would prevent abortions to be paid for in health care reform. For roughly 30 years, pro-choice and pro-life Members have agreed that appropriations should not include any money for abortions at tax payer expense. The so- called "Hyde language" is the standard that both sides have agreed upon for decades. Hyde language would prevent tax payer funded abortions in appropriations bills. Several attempts to insert such language was rebuffed by House leadership throughout the committee and mark-up process in the House.
"We believe in a big-tent Democratic Party, but to not allow Hyde language to be included in health care reform would force some pro-choice and pro-life Democrats to vote against health care reform. If we add this language, we believe we can help Speaker Pelosi get the votes to pass this legislation," said Day.
Christian Newswire
Late-term Abortionist Martin Haskell Above the Law and Dangerous
Operation Rescue also seeks women who have had abortions in Ohio
DAYTON, Ohio, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Operation Rescue has released a three-part report documenting how late- term abortionist Martin Haskell has used his considerable influence over years of legal wrangling in order to keep his Dayton abortion clinic open even though it does not meet the safety requirements prescribed by law.
Haskell is most famous for being the first to describe the partial birth abortion method, one he falsely claims to have invented.
Part One of the report recounts the arduous legal battle to compel Haskell's compliance only to end with the state granting Haskell a "variance" from having to comply with laws requiring clinics to obtain transfer agreements with local hospitals. To this day, Haskell has no hospital privileges in the Dayton area, and no hospital will grant him a transfer agreement.
Part Two of the report documents with actual tapes of 9-1-1 calls made earlier this year, that his Dayton area abortion clinics remains unsafe. It further exposes accomplices in the Dayton area that enable the Haskell clinic to remain open in spite of the dangers to women.
Part Three documents connections between Haskell and his wife, Valerie, to social institutions and politicians who may have helped cover for Haskell over the years. It reveals a shocking connection between the Haskells and former Sen. John Glenn, who accepted Haskell campaign contributions then went on to defend partial birth abortions on the floor of the Senate and nominate a Federal Court judge who was the only judge ever to rule in Haskell's favor.
"If Haskell is considered by every hospital in the Dayton area to be unqualified to treat patients at their facilities, then he shouldn't be allowed to practice at all," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, recently named by CNN the "abortionists' No. 1 foe."
Operation Rescue also outlines a three-point action plan for using peaceful, legal means to stop Haskell's Dayton area abortion clinic from continuing illegal operations.
"This is the first step in a plan to protect women from Haskell's dangerous abortion operation. We are committed to helping the people of Ohio rid their state of this scourge," said Newman.
"We are also seeking to speak with women who have had abortions at Haskell clinics in the past year. We encourage anyone with information that could lead to the closure of Haskell's clinic to contact us immediately."
Read the report:
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3
About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America. Operation Rescue is now headquartered in a former abortion clinic that it bought and closed in 2006. From there, Operation Rescue launches its innovative new strategies across the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful, legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore legal personhood to the pre- born in obedience to biblical mandates.
Christian Newswire
DAYTON, Ohio, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Operation Rescue has released a three-part report documenting how late- term abortionist Martin Haskell has used his considerable influence over years of legal wrangling in order to keep his Dayton abortion clinic open even though it does not meet the safety requirements prescribed by law.
Haskell is most famous for being the first to describe the partial birth abortion method, one he falsely claims to have invented.
Part One of the report recounts the arduous legal battle to compel Haskell's compliance only to end with the state granting Haskell a "variance" from having to comply with laws requiring clinics to obtain transfer agreements with local hospitals. To this day, Haskell has no hospital privileges in the Dayton area, and no hospital will grant him a transfer agreement.
Part Two of the report documents with actual tapes of 9-1-1 calls made earlier this year, that his Dayton area abortion clinics remains unsafe. It further exposes accomplices in the Dayton area that enable the Haskell clinic to remain open in spite of the dangers to women.
Part Three documents connections between Haskell and his wife, Valerie, to social institutions and politicians who may have helped cover for Haskell over the years. It reveals a shocking connection between the Haskells and former Sen. John Glenn, who accepted Haskell campaign contributions then went on to defend partial birth abortions on the floor of the Senate and nominate a Federal Court judge who was the only judge ever to rule in Haskell's favor.
"If Haskell is considered by every hospital in the Dayton area to be unqualified to treat patients at their facilities, then he shouldn't be allowed to practice at all," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, recently named by CNN the "abortionists' No. 1 foe."
Operation Rescue also outlines a three-point action plan for using peaceful, legal means to stop Haskell's Dayton area abortion clinic from continuing illegal operations.
"This is the first step in a plan to protect women from Haskell's dangerous abortion operation. We are committed to helping the people of Ohio rid their state of this scourge," said Newman.
"We are also seeking to speak with women who have had abortions at Haskell clinics in the past year. We encourage anyone with information that could lead to the closure of Haskell's clinic to contact us immediately."
Read the report:
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3
About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America. Operation Rescue is now headquartered in a former abortion clinic that it bought and closed in 2006. From there, Operation Rescue launches its innovative new strategies across the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful, legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore legal personhood to the pre- born in obedience to biblical mandates.
Christian Newswire
Thursday, October 29, 2009
40 Days for Life Reaches Milestone: 2,000 Babies Saved from Abortion

WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- "Through the grace and mercy of God -- and the faithful prayers of more than 200,000 volunteers standing vigil outside abortion facilities -- an incredible miracle has taken place," said David Bereit, national director of 40 Days for Life.
"Starting with the first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign in Bryan/College Station, Texas in 2004, and continuing through the international 40 Days for Life effort that is under way this fall, we now have confirmed reports of at least 2,000 babies whose lives have been saved from the tragedy of abortion," Bereit said. "Who knows what wonders each of these children will bring to the world!" Two thousand children would be enough to fill at least 80 classrooms.
Two thousand children would be enough to make up 180 teams of little soccer players - - "and just as importantly," said Bereit, "this could represent 180 teams of soccer moms -- women who will enjoy watching their children run and jump and shout -- blessings they would have never known if they had fallen for the lies that are so often disguised by the rhetoric of 'choice.'"
Frequently, it is simply the sight of people peacefully standing in prayer that will convince a woman to turn away from abortion. "When people ask me what to say when they're at the vigil," said Bereit, "I often say -- just pray and don't worry about it. We have countless stories of women rejecting abortion and leaving the clinics even when not a single word was spoken."
It is often the prayer of children that has this effect. "Just last week, I heard about two little girls who were singing 'Jesus Loves Me' at a 40 Days for Life vigil," he said. "They sang as a woman went in for an abortion appointment -- then watched as she left the clinic in tears, read the number of a pregnancy resource hotline, and called for real assistance."
40 Days for Life ( www.40daysforlife.com) is the largest and longest coordinated pro-life mobilization in history. The fall 40 Days for Life campaign, which began September 23, will conclude on November 1. The initiative, in 212 cities across 45 American states, five Canadian provinces, and Denmark, consists of 40 days of intense prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, peaceful vigils outside abortion facilities, and grassroots community organizing.
Since 2004, some local 678 campaigns have been conducted in 282 communities, covering all 50 American states, the District of Columbia and American Samoa, as well as Canada, Australia, Northern Ireland and Denmark.
EmbryoAdoption.org Adds More Web Videos to Raise Awareness about Family-Building through Embryo Donation and Adoption

FULLERTON, Calif., Oct. 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- To raise awareness about the relatively new process of human embryo donation and adoption, the one-stop informational Web site EmbryoAdoption.org launched three new Web videos.
The first video, "A True Story of Embryo Donation & Adoption," reveals a compelling story of two families brought together by their common desire to become parents. Two additional videos share embryo donation and adoption testimonials from couples that struggled with infertility and found hope in the embryo donation and adoption process.
"There are just so many couples that just don't know what to do with their embryos," says embryo donor Jennifer Spohr, as she tells her story in the first video. "They have many frozen [embryos] and if they don't do something, they're going to stay frozen forever."
Hundreds of thousands of frozen human embryos in the United States alone remain in storage and in limbo, while couples grapple with the difficult decision of what to do with their remaining embryos after completing their family building efforts. As couples weigh their options, many learn about embryo donation through the site's fact sheets, donor testimonials, adoption stories, news archive, service providers and much more. In fact, site traffic amounts to over 20,000 page views per month.
In addition to the three new Web videos posted this year, EmbryoAdoption.org features eight videos posted in past years. Among these videos, visitors to the site will find perspectives from the medical community, background about where frozen embryos come from, and footage of special moments in the lives of children born through embryo adoption.
EmbryoAdoption.org is maintained by Nightlight ® Christian Adoptions as part of its Embryo Donation and Adoption Awareness Campaign. Nightlight provides adoption services through the Snowflakes® Frozen Embryo Adoption program (Snowflakes). Snowflakes started in 1997 as the only organization of its kind to facilitate the donation and adoption of frozen embryos for family building.
Nightlight's Embryo Donation and Adoption Awareness Campaign is supported by grant number 5 EAAPA941000-04-00 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Department.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Aborted Fetal Material Used in Anti-Wrinkle Creams

TENNESSEE, Oct. 27 /Christian Newswire/ --
Children of God for Life announced today that Neocutis, a bio-pharmaceutical company focused on dermatology and skin care is using aborted fetal cell lines to produce several of their anti-aging skin creams. "It is absolutely deplorable that Neocutis would resort to exploiting the remains of a deliberately slaughtered baby for nothing other than pure vanity and financial gain," stated Executive Director Debi Vinnedge. "There is simply no moral justification for this."
For years Children of God for Life has been a watchdog on pharmaceutical companies using aborted fetal cell lines in medical products and they have received thousands of inquiries from the public on the use of aborted fetal material in cosmetics. Until now, this was the first time they have encountered any company bold enough to put the information right on their own website and product literature. A quick investigation into the science behind the products revealed the shameless data. Neocutis' key ingredient known as "Processed Skin Proteins" was developed at the University of Luasanne from the skin tissue of a 14-week gestation electively-aborted male baby donated by the University Hospital in Switzerland.
Subsequently, a working cell bank was established, containing several billion cultured skin cells to produce the human growth factor needed to restore aging skin. The list of products using the cell line include: Bio-Gel, Journee, Bio- Serum, Prevedem, Bio Restorative Skin Cream and Lumiere. But Vinnedge is calling for a full boycott of all Neocutis products, regardless of their source. "There is absolutely no reason to use aborted babies for such selfish motives," Vinnedge said. "It is anti-life, anti-woman and counter-productive as Neocutis is about to find out!"
Children of God for Life is calling on rival cosmetic companies to take advantage of some free advertising by their company. "We know there are companies using moral sources for collagen and skin proteins. We intend to publicly promote these other cosmetic companies competing with Neocutis that are willing to step forward and contact us."
Meanwhile Vinnedge advises women who are using Neocutis products to throw them in the garbage and to contact the company to express their concerns. In addition she advised, "Contact some of these competing companies and ask them to verify their products are morally produced. If they are willing to commit to it in writing, they will get our endorsement." Contact Neocutis:Neocutis Inc.3053 Fillmore Street # 140San Francisco CA 94123 Phone: 1-866-636-2884
Further Information is published at the following links:http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102789122085&s=20650&e=001I63hhu4NbyAP43e2bxWBiXJFiR154opONQyGvNpeGZZOGKdkm0ph1-kg1tE0_KWBScDEfbZ1dXV2wVNy00i7c9LGgFtdV_NJV2p_zL8jL8x6ISKcVk36z7rMVXbcwtSDA8jQSxCFaLbU3h7FVEfI1l70Xzn7hJ4CTF4MxfnE81bEnAm2_K_0vWhb-fH8nGdKhttp://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102789122085&s=20650&e=001I63hhu4NbyBsxowyxlTsAJyOUryZ--h6wYgLWLbJTgpFxMIuFirZkDIxrZVfuKb4ce0je0yOkZOAt9WgmII2Y5JzptZvhQg-Kun2gxQPu_ZuoWQt9FAbodzxYuWVQIN2GMCEx3WbE1l_Tm6vgO0iNQ==http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102789122085&s=20650&e=001I63hhu4NbyB9AlUOg6e4eBoUfz44z7Uun3QbNuMrbnPpNHldtOM4D2ZMBEY_laji9N9blu4g1Hlld7mkVHdUoKXl85qc0tIhpkXWXO8Q9GAou5CG6WJHf3GzUxc-5g9qCCGE2O3X6igzZz3fGc9bMQ==http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102789122085&s=20650&e=001I63hhu4NbyCOyGwQN-FVw7aiHwA1-8q8CE_DM8MqLi7w-hU1KveXKgv6c84406vDP6mp79E5WrCoMSVDCL3lprt22yZ9SvEN7GYX_FpBR0c5BdJFIQnjKWqT_VjL-3jzEK6jF8fgk5kS10nl5PvpFQ==
Christian Newswire
Christian Newswire
Thursday, October 22, 2009
ObamaCare = Coerced Abortions

Health care bill that funds abortion and rations care will lead to women being coerced into abortions.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21 /Christian Newswire/ --
Today Concerned Women for America will join in a press conference on health care with numerous groups including Focus on the Family Action, National Right to Life, and Family Research Council as well as Representatives Jim DeMint (R- South Carolina,) Tom Price (R-Georgia) and Eric Cantor (R-Virginia.) The press conference will be held in the House Triangle.
"Women are generally the primary decision-makers in the family when it comes to health care. However, our ability to make health care decisions will be snatched away and given to bureaucrats empowered to ration care and pay for abortion," stated Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America.
"The current bill sets up a system whereby bureaucrats decide what health care we can receive, with cost as a major factor. It also will fund abortion. Since abortion costs less than prenatal care, delivery and post-natal care, especially if the mother or child has special needs, it is not unlikely that bureaucrats will put on their green-eye shades and decide that abortion will be covered but expensive maternal and child care is not.
"Amendments to ensure access to health benefits regardless of age, expected length of life or disability were defeated along party lines. This means that the most vulnerable -- unborn and premature babies, and those with special needs -- will be discriminated against if this bill passes.
"This bill gives czar-like power to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who has a history of siding with abortionists over women. President Obama's appointees who have little regard for the value of life are far less qualified than mothers to make health decisions for our families."
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
Christian Newswire
Christian Newswire
Monday, October 19, 2009
Silence Will Rock Thousands of Campuses Tomorrow While Students Protest Abortion as Part of the 6th Annual Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity

MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- Tomorrow morning students from thousands of schools around the world will refuse to speak as a protest against the killing innocent children. Every day in America almost 4000 human persons are killed by surgical abortion. The Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity, a project of Stand True, Christ-Centered Pro-life is observed by hundreds of thousands of students who will lose their voice in solidarity with their brothers and sisters who will never have a voice. Last year Stand True heard back from participants about 59 girls who canceled their abortions on the day of the event due to the efforts of the students.
"By refusing to speak the students create a huge buzz and abortion will be the most talked about subject on campus," said Bryan Kemper, President of Stand True Ministries. "This generation is fed up with the senseless violence of abortion as is determined to bring an end the abortion holocaust."
Students will not only remain silent; they will also wear red armbands and/or red duct tape on their mouths, and distribute educational flyers to anyone who asks why they are silent. Many home-schooled students will also participate in the event by visiting local malls and other public areas to distribute flyers.
Students are instructed to be respectful to teachers and other officials and to speak with them when required.
"Thousands of American babies are permanently silenced every day by the violent act of abortion," said Kristan Hawkins, Executive Director of Students for Life. "This is a day for pro-life students to honor those children as they stay silent as an act of solidarity with these innocent victims."
Over the past few years many schools have tried to stop students from participating and have tried to quash their First Amendment rights. Every year, attorneys from the Alliance Defense Fund defend these students and file lawsuits to protect their rights.
There is no cost to participate in the event. Flyers are available for download in PDF format at http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102772321658&s=20650&e=001aAsMDG0_xYonLA4GwHd7iUnezgg0XDkgIn9EWlzho0-mfaCF_q542KEyE7_d-japgXoJppJJzPr9rE-zvnczGp-X0DEkaPZUd0e0_ESAdyKQ28WI2j0Lzw== . Students can also follow the event on twitter at http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102772321658&s=20650&e=001aAsMDG0_xYrpGopC72zwStjmuxyL0jLrir8ROY1B4uJ2Y3hacYFywBp5xAnKocr4GIP17Jtldv-Q47q8r7OJkUS6rFqk6O4v8S7wQbfytD7ECmRGppBRG2KaqvJlOa0X
Legal help for students involved is available from the Alliance Defense Fund (1-800-TELL-ADF).
The Pro-life Day of Silent Solidarity is a Project of Stand True - Christ Centered Pro-life and co- sponsored by Students for Life of America, Generation Life, Priests for Life, Survivors, Abort73.com and Lifenews.com.
Editors: Bryan Kemper is available for comment at 937-339-5648 (office) or 540-538-2581 (mobile).
Christian Newswire
Saturday, October 17, 2009
'Choice', Abortion's Accomplice, Unmasked As a Killer in New Pro-Life Website

MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- "A Woman's right to choose," introduced in the mid 70's, succeeded brilliantly in distracting attention from the seriousness of abortion by focusing instead on the decision making process. The result being that the seeming fairness of the decision making process worked to legitimize its outcome. The late Dr. James Kennedy, founder of Coral Ridge Ministries, defined the issue saying "They have long tried to skirt the gruesome and sinful nature of abortion-for-convenience by making the word 'Choice' stand for far more than its innocent- appearing use implies." Until now, the malicious and distracting influence of "Choice" has gone unchallenged and abortion is never discussed apart from its legitimizing influence. Clearly damaging the image of "Choice" would help Pro-Life move the discussion to abortion itself. Fortunately, over the years "Choice" has become vulnerable to criticism due to its close relationship with abortion. Choice actually facilitates abortion and makes it permissible with the phrase "Freedom of choice" By doing this "Choice" has become an accomplice to the abortions. Thus, "Choicekills" is a legitimate accusation. The Choicekills graphic symbolizes "Choice's" connection to the killing. What the Choicekills effort can contribute to the anti- abortion movement is a new idea that will help change the discussion from defense to offense. From wasting time being drawn into discussing a minor issue to forthrightly accusing Choice itself of contributing to millions of abortions. The Choicekills effort is introduced with a Website, Choicekills.com. It is directed at young women. Judy, "The talking embryo" greets them with the tragic reality of her dangerous existence and asks for their help. Typical opinions of young women who have been enticed to abort their babies portray a variety of regrets stemming from the deceiving image that Choice had given them. Website visitors are encouraged to keep other young women from falling prey to the seduction of Choice and know for sure that "Freedom of Choice" is far from free. Inexpensive bumper stickers and T- shirts are offered as a way to carry the life-saving message to their community. Young men are encouraged to assist their female friends in the effort. The Choicekills project was originated to serve the goal of preventing abortions by providing a method that could unite Pro-Life organizations with an effective response to "Choice", killer of millions.
Christian Newswire
Christian Newswire
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Abortion Opponents Launch Massive Grassroots Mobilization in 212 Cities
MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- "Starting tomorrow, and continuing through November 1, tens of thousands of faithful people in 212 cities -- across 45 American states, five Canadian provinces, and Denmark -- will conduct a unified 40-day campaign of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion, peaceful vigils outside abortion facilities and Planned Parenthood offices, and grassroots community organizing," said David Bereit, national director of 40 Days for Life. 40 Days for Life is a pro-life initiative that burst onto the national scene just two years ago and has already mobilized more than 215,000 people in 240 cities across all 50 American states and several other countries during four previous coordinated campaigns, saving 1,561 lives from abortion. This fall's 40 Days for Life campaign, the group's largest to date, will be the most widespread and longest coordinated pro-life mobilization in history. Dozens of the largest pro-life and pro-family organizations and many prominent religious leaders, including more than 20 Catholic bishops, have endorsed and promoted 40 Days for Life. The abortion industry, whose business has been detrimentally affected by 40 Days for Life, has launched a misinformation blitz in an attempt to paint 40 Days for Life as something other than a peaceful, prayerful endeavor. "It's really no surprise," said Bereit, "especially the inflammatory rhetoric coming from Planned Parenthood." More than 90 of the prayer vigil locations are Planned Parenthood facilities. In Houston, Planned Parenthood is asking supporters to "defend women's health" during the campaign, which the local affiliate refers to as "40 days of harassment." In St. Louis, Planned Parenthood has hung a huge "defend the truth" banner from the side of its building. "Ironically, the truth is something Planned Parenthood tries to hide," said Bereit. "The truth is that the child in the womb is a human being, and that abortion takes the life of the child and can leave a devastating impact on the mother." Over the last few months, 40 Days for Life has drawn national attention by helping to assemble the "Stop the Abortion Mandate" coalition of more than 70 pro- life organizations working to ensure that abortion is explicitly excluded from proposed health care reform. 40 Days for Life organized a massive webcast that educated 36,000 attendees about the abortion mandate in health care reform proposals. These efforts were so effective that abortion proponents attempted to mimic them by organizing a "40 Days for Health Reform" campaign which featured President Obama on a copycat webcast. "We have never before seen the intensity of passion and extensive involvement in pro-life efforts that we are seeing all across North America right now," said Bereit. "We don't know what blessings this fall's 40 Days for Life will hold, but we can't wait to see what God has in store!"
Christian Newswire
Christian Newswire
Family of Irving 'Bud' Feldkamp, Owner of the Nation's Largest Privately Owned Abortion Chain, Dies in Montana Plane Crash
This was a very interesting article that I thought needed a second glance.
MEDIA ADVISORY, Mar. 24, 2009 /Christian Newswire/ -- Some of you may have seen the major news story of the private plane that crashed into a Montana cemetery, killing 7 children and 7 adults. But what the news sources fail to mention is that the Catholic Holy Cross Cemetery owned by Resurrection Cemetery Association in Butte - contains a memorial for local residents to pray the rosary, at the 'Tomb of the Unborn'. This memorial, located a short distance west of the church, was erected as a dedication to all babies who have died because of abortion. What else is the mainstream news not telling you? The family who died in the crash near the location of the abortion victim's memorial, is the family of Irving 'Bud' Feldkamp, owner of the largest for-profit abortion chain in the nation. Family Planning Associates was purchased four years ago by Irving Moore "Bud" Feldkamp III, owner of Allcare and Hospitality Dental Associates and CEO of Glen Helen Raceway Park in San Bernardino. The 17 California Family Planning clinics perform more abortions in the state than any other abortion provider - Planned Parenthood included - and they perform abortions through the first five months of pregnancy. Although Feldkamp is not an abortionist, he reaps profits of blood money from the tens of thousands of babies that are killed through abortions performed every year at the clinics he owns. His business in the abortion industry was what enabled him to afford the private plane that was carrying his family to their week- long vacation at The Yellowstone Club, a millionaires- only ski resort. The plane went down on Sunday, killing two of Feldkamp's daughters, two sons-in-law and five grandchildren along with the pilot and four family friends. The plane, a single-engine turboprop flown by Bud Summerfield of Highland, crashed into the Catholic cemetery and burst into flames, only 500 ft. from its landing destination. All aboard were killed. The cause of the crash is a mystery. The pilot, who was a former military flier who logged over 2,000 hours, gave no indication to air traffic controllers that the aircraft was experiencing difficulty when he asked to divert to an airport in Butte. Witnesses report that the plane suddenly nosedived toward the ground with no apparent signs of a struggle. There was neither a cockpit voice recorder nor a flight data recorder onboard, and no radar clues into the planes final moments because the Butte airport is not equipped with a radar facility. Some speculate that the crash was due to ice on the wings, but this particular plane model has been tested for icy weather and experts have stated that ice being the cause is unlikely. In my time working for Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, I helped organize and conduct a weekly campaign where youth activists stood outside of Feldkamp's mini-mansion in Redlands holding fetal development signs and raising community awareness regarding Feldkamp's dealings in child murder for profit. Every Thursday afternoon we called upon Bud and his wife Pam to repent, seek God's blessing and separate themselves from the practice of child killing. We warned him, for his children's sake, to wash his hands of the innocent blood he assisted in spilling because, as Scripture warns, if "you did not hate bloodshed, bloodshed will pursue you". (Ezekiel 35:6) A news source states that Bud Feldkamp visited the site of the crash with his wife and their two surviving children on Monday. As they stood near the twisted and charred debris talking with investigators, light snow fell on the tarps that covered the remains of their children. I don't want to turn this tragic event into some creepy spiritual 'I told you so' moment, but I think of the time spent outside of Feldkamp's - Pam Feldkamp laughing at the fetal development signs, Bud Feldkamp trying not to make eye contact as he got into his car with a small child in tow - and I think of the haunting words, 'Think of your children.' I wonder if those words were haunting Feldkamp as well as he stood in the snow among the remains of loved ones, just feet from the 'Tomb of the Unborn'? I only hope and pray that in the face of this tragedy, Feldkamp recognizes his need for repentance and reformation. I pray that God will use this unfortunate catastrophe to soften the hearts of Bud and Pam and that they will draw close to the Lord and wash their hands of the blood of thousands of innocent children, each as precious and irreplaceable as their own. "I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then." (Deut. 30:19) ----------------------------------------------------Gingi Edmonds is a freelance pro-life activist, writer and photographer based out of Hanford, California. Gingi writes a bi-monthly ProLife Opinion Column.
MEDIA ADVISORY, Mar. 24, 2009 /Christian Newswire/ -- Some of you may have seen the major news story of the private plane that crashed into a Montana cemetery, killing 7 children and 7 adults. But what the news sources fail to mention is that the Catholic Holy Cross Cemetery owned by Resurrection Cemetery Association in Butte - contains a memorial for local residents to pray the rosary, at the 'Tomb of the Unborn'. This memorial, located a short distance west of the church, was erected as a dedication to all babies who have died because of abortion. What else is the mainstream news not telling you? The family who died in the crash near the location of the abortion victim's memorial, is the family of Irving 'Bud' Feldkamp, owner of the largest for-profit abortion chain in the nation. Family Planning Associates was purchased four years ago by Irving Moore "Bud" Feldkamp III, owner of Allcare and Hospitality Dental Associates and CEO of Glen Helen Raceway Park in San Bernardino. The 17 California Family Planning clinics perform more abortions in the state than any other abortion provider - Planned Parenthood included - and they perform abortions through the first five months of pregnancy. Although Feldkamp is not an abortionist, he reaps profits of blood money from the tens of thousands of babies that are killed through abortions performed every year at the clinics he owns. His business in the abortion industry was what enabled him to afford the private plane that was carrying his family to their week- long vacation at The Yellowstone Club, a millionaires- only ski resort. The plane went down on Sunday, killing two of Feldkamp's daughters, two sons-in-law and five grandchildren along with the pilot and four family friends. The plane, a single-engine turboprop flown by Bud Summerfield of Highland, crashed into the Catholic cemetery and burst into flames, only 500 ft. from its landing destination. All aboard were killed. The cause of the crash is a mystery. The pilot, who was a former military flier who logged over 2,000 hours, gave no indication to air traffic controllers that the aircraft was experiencing difficulty when he asked to divert to an airport in Butte. Witnesses report that the plane suddenly nosedived toward the ground with no apparent signs of a struggle. There was neither a cockpit voice recorder nor a flight data recorder onboard, and no radar clues into the planes final moments because the Butte airport is not equipped with a radar facility. Some speculate that the crash was due to ice on the wings, but this particular plane model has been tested for icy weather and experts have stated that ice being the cause is unlikely. In my time working for Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, I helped organize and conduct a weekly campaign where youth activists stood outside of Feldkamp's mini-mansion in Redlands holding fetal development signs and raising community awareness regarding Feldkamp's dealings in child murder for profit. Every Thursday afternoon we called upon Bud and his wife Pam to repent, seek God's blessing and separate themselves from the practice of child killing. We warned him, for his children's sake, to wash his hands of the innocent blood he assisted in spilling because, as Scripture warns, if "you did not hate bloodshed, bloodshed will pursue you". (Ezekiel 35:6) A news source states that Bud Feldkamp visited the site of the crash with his wife and their two surviving children on Monday. As they stood near the twisted and charred debris talking with investigators, light snow fell on the tarps that covered the remains of their children. I don't want to turn this tragic event into some creepy spiritual 'I told you so' moment, but I think of the time spent outside of Feldkamp's - Pam Feldkamp laughing at the fetal development signs, Bud Feldkamp trying not to make eye contact as he got into his car with a small child in tow - and I think of the haunting words, 'Think of your children.' I wonder if those words were haunting Feldkamp as well as he stood in the snow among the remains of loved ones, just feet from the 'Tomb of the Unborn'? I only hope and pray that in the face of this tragedy, Feldkamp recognizes his need for repentance and reformation. I pray that God will use this unfortunate catastrophe to soften the hearts of Bud and Pam and that they will draw close to the Lord and wash their hands of the blood of thousands of innocent children, each as precious and irreplaceable as their own. "I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then." (Deut. 30:19) ----------------------------------------------------Gingi Edmonds is a freelance pro-life activist, writer and photographer based out of Hanford, California. Gingi writes a bi-monthly ProLife Opinion Column.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Life Issues Institute Condemns Murder of Pro-Life Activist

CONTACTS:Bradley Mattes, Executive DirectorJ.C. Willke, MD, PresidentPhone: 513.729.3600Cincinnati, OHEmail: info@lifeissues.org
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 11, 2009
Life Issues Institute was shocked and saddened to hear that a long-time, pro-life activist, Jim Pouillon, was brutally gunned down in a cold act of murder this morning. He was reportedly killed by a 33-year-old man who is now in police custody.
Mr. Pouillon was killed outside Owosso High School in Michigan where he was holding a sign and protesting abortion. The victim, a 63-year-old man who required supplemental oxygen from a portable tank, was shot four times in the chest.
“It’s hard to imagine the hatred that motivates someone to murder, regardless of which side of the debate they’re on. It’s all desperately wrong,” said Bradley Mattes, Executive Director of Life Issues Institute. “The murder of millions of innocent unborn babies is spilling out onto the streets of America. I pray we can stop the killing on all fronts. Our prayers are with Jim’s family.”
Life Issues Institute condemns this brutal slaying as well as the daily killing of over 3,200 unborn babies in abortion facilities throughout the United States.
Life Issues Institute is dedicated to changing hearts and minds of millions of people through education. Organizations and individuals around the world depend upon Life Issues Institute to provide the latest information and effective tools to protect innocent human life from womb to tomb.
Monday, August 24, 2009
President Obama's Lame Duck Status Gets an Early Start Thanks to His Radical Pro-Abortion Policies and Health Care Reform
Not All Change is for the Better
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Dan McCullough, newsdesk editor with Christian Newswire: As reported by the Associated Press today(1) President Obama's approval rating is falling like a lead balloon. It seems clear that this can be attributed to his radical pro-abortion policies (which often differ from his words) and his currently failing attempt to cram a socialist health care plan down the throats of millions of Americans -- all who have a very strong and functioning gag reflex. His congressional cronies on the bleeding edge of liberalism throwing temper tantrums at local town hall meetings and referring to good willed Americans with opinions differing from their own as "un-American" and "Nazis" aren't doing a lot for his image or their own either. Further damage to his image was inflicted on Obama by Obama himself just two days ago when he referred to the ninth commandment in the bible and stated that critics of his plan for health care reform where "bearing false witness". This statement was made on a "faith" conference call that obviously the nation's evangelicals would be paying attention to. It's not to difficult to see that this statement was directed at those evangelicals who are concerned about tax funded abortion, something the President continues to insist won't happen under his plan. But without specifically stating that no public funds are to be used for elective abortions (as has been suggested over and over) what is to keep the funds from being used this way? To quote not the bible but instead a popular modern western "it appears his hypocrisy knows no bounds." President Obama has enjoyed a celebrity like status from the beginning of his presidential campaign. He gained that status thanks to a more than helpful left leaning media, his charming demeanor, and eloquent words, as long as a functioning tele-promtper was nearby. But slick words and an engaging smile can only get you so far. The American people expect, need, and demand performance and credible leadership from their commander in chief. Unfortunately, it seems that instead the American people have received a winsome actor with a charming personality (sort of) who is more intent on imposing his own socialist political agenda on the people rather than serving according to the will of the people. At one time the United States had an actor turned president; Ronald Reagan was an incredible president who brought us together as a nation and accomplished great things. Who knows, perhaps Obama has a great career ahead of him in Hollywood, his skill set would suggest it's a strong possibility. All of this being said it certainly doesn't seem to early to start thinking -- or rather dreaming, about the 2012 elections and having the opportunity to vote for something other than just "change" -- perhaps next time we will have the opportunity to vote for "change for the better." (1) http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_OBAMA_ POLL?SITE=MAQUI&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE= DEFAULT
Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON, Aug. 21 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Dan McCullough, newsdesk editor with Christian Newswire: As reported by the Associated Press today(1) President Obama's approval rating is falling like a lead balloon. It seems clear that this can be attributed to his radical pro-abortion policies (which often differ from his words) and his currently failing attempt to cram a socialist health care plan down the throats of millions of Americans -- all who have a very strong and functioning gag reflex. His congressional cronies on the bleeding edge of liberalism throwing temper tantrums at local town hall meetings and referring to good willed Americans with opinions differing from their own as "un-American" and "Nazis" aren't doing a lot for his image or their own either. Further damage to his image was inflicted on Obama by Obama himself just two days ago when he referred to the ninth commandment in the bible and stated that critics of his plan for health care reform where "bearing false witness". This statement was made on a "faith" conference call that obviously the nation's evangelicals would be paying attention to. It's not to difficult to see that this statement was directed at those evangelicals who are concerned about tax funded abortion, something the President continues to insist won't happen under his plan. But without specifically stating that no public funds are to be used for elective abortions (as has been suggested over and over) what is to keep the funds from being used this way? To quote not the bible but instead a popular modern western "it appears his hypocrisy knows no bounds." President Obama has enjoyed a celebrity like status from the beginning of his presidential campaign. He gained that status thanks to a more than helpful left leaning media, his charming demeanor, and eloquent words, as long as a functioning tele-promtper was nearby. But slick words and an engaging smile can only get you so far. The American people expect, need, and demand performance and credible leadership from their commander in chief. Unfortunately, it seems that instead the American people have received a winsome actor with a charming personality (sort of) who is more intent on imposing his own socialist political agenda on the people rather than serving according to the will of the people. At one time the United States had an actor turned president; Ronald Reagan was an incredible president who brought us together as a nation and accomplished great things. Who knows, perhaps Obama has a great career ahead of him in Hollywood, his skill set would suggest it's a strong possibility. All of this being said it certainly doesn't seem to early to start thinking -- or rather dreaming, about the 2012 elections and having the opportunity to vote for something other than just "change" -- perhaps next time we will have the opportunity to vote for "change for the better." (1) http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_OBAMA_ POLL?SITE=MAQUI&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE= DEFAULT
Christian Newswire
CWA and Others: Stop the Abortion Mandate

WASHINGTON, Aug. 20 /Christian Newswire/ -- Concerned Women for America (CWA) is joining with the largest pro-life coalition against healthcare, Stop the Abortion Mandate, to keep abortion out of health care. Wendy Wright, President of Concerned Women for America, said, "Liberal religious leaders representing a dwindling population are siding with another dwindling population -- those that support the Obama/Reid/Pelosi government takeover of health care that requires Americans to fund abortions. Their leader, Jim Wallis, proclaimed a few weeks ago that he would never agree to a health care bill that mandates abortion. This last-minute rally for legislation that includes taxpayer funding for abortion and special privileges for abortionists to have access to school children (with Planned Parenthood in position to run school-based clinics) reveals that liberal religious leaders and Obama are not sincere in their claim to 'reduce abortions' and 'find common ground.' The vast majority of Americans, even those who call themselves pro-choice, do not want to fund abortions because they know that what the government funds, we get more of." Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
Christian Newswire
Susan B. Anthony List on President Obama's Health Care Conference Call

WASHINGTON, Aug. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser released the following statement in response to President Obama's remarks on his health care reform conference call with faith leaders today: "Public support for abortion is on decline, and the President knows that openly advancing an abortion mandate in health care reform is unpopular with the American people. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Obama's statements conflict with the proposed legislation. Americans demand an explicit exclusion of abortion coverage, not more obfuscation and confusion from the President and his allies." To date this year, Susan B. Anthony List activists have sent nearly 200,000 letters urging Congress to exclude abortion coverage from health care. Tonight, the Susan B. Anthony List is hosting "Keeping the Faith for the Unborn," a national teletownhall that will educate and mobilize over 350,000 pro-life households in key states to advocate for life-affirming health care reform that honors both mother and child. The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of Americans, over 162,000 residing in all 50 states, dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process. http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102676051973&s=20650&e=001lw_KvCEeqLr2N5VziVnBDM1zc7LUgs2iaxxkmTQ6doeo1Ru4gaqQjgcTWL42HdftaoFkxeCpGGnAAtOJ3b_67QesuRK4sYrW3N0qPDUTOPGWuNwpKqrcMw==
Christian Newswire
Suit Filed in Federal Court Against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to Stop Federal Funding of Research

Involving the Destruction of Living Human Embryos WASHINGTON, Aug. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- A lawsuit filed today in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia seeks to enjoin and overturn the controversial guidelines for public funding of embryonic stem cell research that the National Institutes of Health issued on July 7, 2009. The implementation of these guidelines marks the first time that taxpayer dollars will be used to fund research that will result in the destruction of human embryos. Since 1994, Congress has expressly banned NIH from funding research in which human embryos "are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death."
According to Thomas G. Hungar, one of the lawyers for the plaintiffs, "the language of the statute is clear. It bans public funding for any research that leads to the destruction of human embryos. NIH's attempt to avoid Congress's command by funding everything but the act of 'harvesting' is pure sophistry. The guidelines will result in the destruction of human embryos and are unlawful, unethical, and unnecessary." The plaintiffs contend that the NIH guidelines violate the congressional ban because they "necessarily condition funding on the destruction of human embryos." In addition, the plaintiffs also allege that the NIH guidelines were invalidly implemented, because the decision to fund human embryonic stem cell research was made without the proper procedures required by law and without properly considering the more effective and less ethically problematic forms of adult and induced pluripotent stem cell research.
President Obama, in announcing his Administration's policy stated he was determined to fund ethically "responsible, scientifically worthy human stem cell research...to the extent permitted by law". Sadly, these guidelines while claiming to "implement" the President's directions, fail his own test because they are not only unlawful, they are based upon an ethically irresponsible misunderstanding of available scientific evidence. One of the expert stem cell researcher plaintiffs, Dr. James L. Sherley, explained that "the great irony of the guidelines is that research involving stem cells safely derived from human adults and other sources presents the same if not greater potential for medical breakthroughs, without any of the troubling legal and ethical issues related to embryonic stem- cell research." Clinical trials using adult stem cells have successfully reversed the effects of diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. The plaintiffs argue that because NIH promulgated its guidelines with a preconceived determination to fund human embryonic stem cell research and without considering these scientifically and ethically superior alternatives, the guidelines are invalid regulations and should be struck down.
Dr. David Stevens, Executive Director of Christian Medical Association, an organization of more than 16,000 doctors who are also plaintiffs in the case, said "we are opposed to this proposed illegal and unethical federal funding of destructive embryonic research that would compel every American to cooperate with such unlawful human experimentation and the violation of our fundamental medical research ethic never to lethally experiment on one human being simply to benefit the interests of other human beings."
Co-counsel for the plaintiffs, Sam Casey, General Counsel of Advocates International's Law of Life Project, a public interest legal project specializing in cutting-edge bio-ethical issues, added: "The majority of the almost 50,000 comments that the NIH received were opposed to funding this research, and by its own admission, NIH totally ignored these comments. The so-called spare human embryos being stored in IVF clinics around the United States are not 'in excess of need,' as the NIH in its guidelines callously assert. They are human beings in need of biological or adoptive parents."
The lawsuit is brought by a broad coalition of plaintiffs, including Dr. James L. Sherley, a former member of the MIT faculty, currently working as a senior scientist at the Boston Biomedical Research Institute; Dr. Theresa Deisher, the founder, managing member, and research and development director of AVM Biotechnology; Nightlight Christian Adoptions, a non-profit, licensed adoption agency dedicated to protecting and finding adoptive parents for human embryos conceived through in vitro fertilization; all individual human embryos whose lives are now at risk under NIH's guidelines; parents seeking to adopt human embryos; and the Christian Medical Association, a non-profit association of doctors dedicated to improving ethical standards of health care in the United States and abroad. The Alliance Defense Fund, a legal alliance of Christian attorneys and like-minded organizations defending religious freedom and the sanctity of human life, is also serving as co-counsel on the case and providing financial support.
A copy of the complaint, as filed today, can be obtained by clicking the hyperlink here.
Christian Newswire
Beware of Compromise

With all the rumors about reaching a compromise on healthcare reform, let me say this. Don’t believe it! Recent developments provide absolutely no protection for unborn babies and their mothers from abortion, or our vulnerable citizens from rationing.
Life Issues Institute doesn’t oppose healthcare reform. But we firmly reject, and so should you, any plan that will facilitate and fund abortion-on-demand, or accommodate rationing healthcare services to our elderly, chronically ill or disabled.
The recent so-called compromises that have been discussed would still open the floodgates of funding and facilitating abortion-on-demand.
If someone says, “Abortion isn’t mentioned in these healthcare reform proposals, so there’s no abortion threat.” Here’s what you need to say. “Medicaid (designed to provide healthcare services to the poor) didn’t mention abortion either, but we were paying for more than 300,000 abortions a year until the Hyde Amendment excluded most abortion coverage.”
The same thing will happen to healthcare reform if abortion isn’t specifically excluded, but the death toll will increase dramatically. The only way to protect innocent human life is to specifically exclude abortion and rationing from any healthcare reform bill.
But Congress has repeatedly refused to exclude mandated abortion:
On July 17, 2009 the Ways and Means Committee voted down Congressman Sam Johnson’s amendment to prevent an abortion mandate by a vote of 18-23. And an amendment by Congressman Eric Cantor to prohibit taxpayer funding for abortion lost 19-22. The Education and Labor committee defeated the same amendments by Congressman Mark Souder by a vote of 19-29.
We must stay vigilant in our efforts to make sure abortion and rationing are not part of any healthcare reform. Right now there’s nothing more urgent than stopping mandated abortion in healthcare. Congressman Chris Smith, one of our leading pro-life members of the House, said, “This is the big one. Not since Roe v. Wade have our children and their moms been more at risk.”
The pro-life movement—made up of liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans—are united in an effort to keep abortion and rationing out of any healthcare reform. We’ve formed a group called Stop the Abortion Mandate and I’m a participating member. A brief 2-minute video has been produced to alert millions of Americans about the urgent danger to our nation’s unborn babies and vulnerable citizens. Please take a moment to watch it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RD7hJhwy5g Then share this email with others.
I’ll keep you posted,Bradley MattesExecutive DirectorLife Issues Institutehttp://www.lifeissues.org/
Life Issues Institute doesn’t oppose healthcare reform. But we firmly reject, and so should you, any plan that will facilitate and fund abortion-on-demand, or accommodate rationing healthcare services to our elderly, chronically ill or disabled.
The recent so-called compromises that have been discussed would still open the floodgates of funding and facilitating abortion-on-demand.
If someone says, “Abortion isn’t mentioned in these healthcare reform proposals, so there’s no abortion threat.” Here’s what you need to say. “Medicaid (designed to provide healthcare services to the poor) didn’t mention abortion either, but we were paying for more than 300,000 abortions a year until the Hyde Amendment excluded most abortion coverage.”
The same thing will happen to healthcare reform if abortion isn’t specifically excluded, but the death toll will increase dramatically. The only way to protect innocent human life is to specifically exclude abortion and rationing from any healthcare reform bill.
But Congress has repeatedly refused to exclude mandated abortion:
On July 17, 2009 the Ways and Means Committee voted down Congressman Sam Johnson’s amendment to prevent an abortion mandate by a vote of 18-23. And an amendment by Congressman Eric Cantor to prohibit taxpayer funding for abortion lost 19-22. The Education and Labor committee defeated the same amendments by Congressman Mark Souder by a vote of 19-29.
We must stay vigilant in our efforts to make sure abortion and rationing are not part of any healthcare reform. Right now there’s nothing more urgent than stopping mandated abortion in healthcare. Congressman Chris Smith, one of our leading pro-life members of the House, said, “This is the big one. Not since Roe v. Wade have our children and their moms been more at risk.”
The pro-life movement—made up of liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans—are united in an effort to keep abortion and rationing out of any healthcare reform. We’ve formed a group called Stop the Abortion Mandate and I’m a participating member. A brief 2-minute video has been produced to alert millions of Americans about the urgent danger to our nation’s unborn babies and vulnerable citizens. Please take a moment to watch it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RD7hJhwy5g Then share this email with others.
I’ll keep you posted,Bradley MattesExecutive DirectorLife Issues Institutehttp://www.lifeissues.org/
Statewide Campaign Against Tax-Funded Abortion Launched in California

RIVERSIDE, Calif., Aug. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust announced they will be organizing with pro- lifers throughout California to campaign against tax- funded abortion in Obama's Healthcare Reform bill. The campaign, which starts Thursday, Aug. 20th, will feature demonstrations and protests in cities across California, asking elected officials to guarantee that tax-funded abortion will specifically be excluded from the bill. Currently the Healthcare Reform bill includes wording that will allow for tax money to pay for abortion as "reproductive care." "Abortion is not health care," said Jeff White, founder of Survivors, "And the majority of Americans don't want to pay for it." He cites a recent Zogby poll which indicates that 71% of those polled did not want tax money paying for abortions. Last week Survivors attended a town hall meeting in Alhambra, CA hosted by Rep. Adam Schiff. After learning that questions were pre-screened by a moderator, the Survivors were forced to shout their questions to the panel. One Survivor was punched and choked by members of the audience, and all of them were removed by police. A video of the event is available at http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102675458731&s=20650&e=001pr0U6LqqPWQe9n5HJi6-UZAHrWbvWANnL-ISnQn06gsnuR85sIuaQzD1wOBN_0NElsfB2lqCx1KBpXolzjiZDAonQeLTd4NgdI6WRzSvwiP0yGxBIG4Sx1JFzIrJm4sH2IB3SjCBD4hKP_yeEqQWJQ==. "Clearly questions about abortion are not welcome at town hall meetings," remarked Shara Guengrich, a Survivors activist at the Alhambra meeting. "If we are not allowed to ask about abortion at town hall meetings the next logical step is to take to the streets." The protests, which will take place Thursday, Aug. 20th - Saturday, Aug. 22nd will be the beginning of a larger campaign designed to bring light to the inclusion of tax-funded abortion in the Healthcare Reform bill. "It all comes down to the fact that congress wants us to pay for the destruction of preborn life," commented Jeff White, "And this is something Americans do not want to do. We will do everything in our power to make sure congress votes based on the will of the people."
Christian Newswire
Tonight: Keeping Faith with the Unborn, National Health Care Teletownhall Featuring Cong. Bachmann, Foxx, and Musgrave

Teletownhall on Health Care for 320,000 Pro-Life Activists in Key States
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by the Susan B. Anthony list: Teletownhall on Health Care for 320,000 Pro-Life Activists in Key States - Wednesday, August 19, 2009 -- 8:50 p.m. EST - Producers, Hosts, Reporters & Bloggers Encouraged to Dial-In WHO: Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List Marilyn Musgrave, Former Congresswoman (R-CO), Project Director, Votes Have Consequences, Susan B. Anthony List Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN)Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) WHAT: "Keeping the Faith with the Unborn" is a national teletownhall to motivate pro-life activists to make their voice heard in the health care reform debate. Over 320,000 identified pro-life voters in key states will be invited to participate in the call. Hosts will take questions about the health care debate and offer a pro-life alternative to President Obama's scheduled health care conference calls with the "American Faith Community" today and Organizing for America tomorrow. WHEN: Teletownhall takes place TODAY, Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at from 8:50 p.m. - 10:20p.m. EST. Toll-free Dial-in for Members of the Press - 1-877-229- 8493 Passcode: 14312 WHY:Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser states, "Tens of thousands of pro-lifers across America have already contacted their legislators to urge the preservation of our long- standing tradition of limiting taxpayer funds for abortion, but now is the time to turn up the heat. Without language to explicitly exclude an abortion mandate, the legislation will result in Americans footing the bill for abortion on-demand in the largest expansion of government-backed abortion since Roe v. Wade." INFO: This teletownhall event will challenge myths about health care reform and mobilize pro-life activists nationwide. By dialing in, reporters, producers, hosts and bloggers will gain access to news and views from some of the nation's leading pro-life advocates. A recording of the teletownhall will be made available on Friday, August 21, 2009. For interviews or more information please contact Joy Yearout at 703-380-6674 or email jyearout@sba- list.org. The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of Americans, over 162,000 residing in all 50 states, dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process. http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102674826022&s=20650&e=001OZfKMbrY-rZkNTGCI4RfOV92HC7pgjXxDFqJnEv4dKG0o7t5b0P1aO6SiOBzD8vGD1RM3pELN2ntW4E-QKGT2Nj8oE5-77zTYvTZIyIk-cMqC67wdWuR2Q==
Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON, Aug. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by the Susan B. Anthony list: Teletownhall on Health Care for 320,000 Pro-Life Activists in Key States - Wednesday, August 19, 2009 -- 8:50 p.m. EST - Producers, Hosts, Reporters & Bloggers Encouraged to Dial-In WHO: Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List Marilyn Musgrave, Former Congresswoman (R-CO), Project Director, Votes Have Consequences, Susan B. Anthony List Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN)Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) WHAT: "Keeping the Faith with the Unborn" is a national teletownhall to motivate pro-life activists to make their voice heard in the health care reform debate. Over 320,000 identified pro-life voters in key states will be invited to participate in the call. Hosts will take questions about the health care debate and offer a pro-life alternative to President Obama's scheduled health care conference calls with the "American Faith Community" today and Organizing for America tomorrow. WHEN: Teletownhall takes place TODAY, Wednesday, August 19, 2009 at from 8:50 p.m. - 10:20p.m. EST. Toll-free Dial-in for Members of the Press - 1-877-229- 8493 Passcode: 14312 WHY:Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser states, "Tens of thousands of pro-lifers across America have already contacted their legislators to urge the preservation of our long- standing tradition of limiting taxpayer funds for abortion, but now is the time to turn up the heat. Without language to explicitly exclude an abortion mandate, the legislation will result in Americans footing the bill for abortion on-demand in the largest expansion of government-backed abortion since Roe v. Wade." INFO: This teletownhall event will challenge myths about health care reform and mobilize pro-life activists nationwide. By dialing in, reporters, producers, hosts and bloggers will gain access to news and views from some of the nation's leading pro-life advocates. A recording of the teletownhall will be made available on Friday, August 21, 2009. For interviews or more information please contact Joy Yearout at 703-380-6674 or email jyearout@sba- list.org. The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of Americans, over 162,000 residing in all 50 states, dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process. http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102674826022&s=20650&e=001OZfKMbrY-rZkNTGCI4RfOV92HC7pgjXxDFqJnEv4dKG0o7t5b0P1aO6SiOBzD8vGD1RM3pELN2ntW4E-QKGT2Nj8oE5-77zTYvTZIyIk-cMqC67wdWuR2Q==
Christian Newswire
Abortion Expansion Stopped in Knoxville

KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) is pleased to report that the proposed relocation and expansion of Planned Parenthood's (PP's) abortion business in Knoxville has been stopped. For now. This victory was made possible by the combined efforts of the Pro-Life Coalition of East Tennessee (ProCET), along with the various pro-life agencies and people that pulled together to make ProCET work. Special recognition to Tennessee Right to Life, the Diocese of Knoxville, several area Baptist churches, and area crisis pregnancy centers, just to name a few. CBR Southeast also acted independently to ensure all parties clearly understood the consequences of the PP relocation: pro-lifers displaying abortion pictures on sidewalks, on the sides of trucks, and on airplane tow-banners near PP and in front of businesses who enable their killing programs. They are the same kinds of disturbing photos that have historically been used by social reformers to dramatize injustice and educate the public. CBR Southeast Director Fletcher Armstrong wrote to the landowner, in part: "If you collaborate with baby-killers, large numbers of protestors will express their outrage on the public sidewalks and on streets near the proposed facility. People of good conscience will organize a constant presence that will not go away in a few days, weeks, nor even months. The influence of disturbing abortion photos will discourage patronage of business throughout the Bearden Business District. "Our extensive experience with the public display of these truly horrifying aborted-baby photos has taught us that viewers of every political persuasion will go to great lengths to avoid the areas in which the pictures are exhibited." This last statement demonstrates another way that exposing injustice can be an effective: fear of lost business. Business people instinctively understand that abortion images are so powerful, they will persuade even our most vocal opponents to participate in our "boycott," because they will go shopping elsewhere in order to avoid our pictures. CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham commented that "For the past 35 years, pro-life activists have been considered toxic. Even pro-life pastors view us with a certain amount of suspicion. We have tried in vain to make ourselves more palatable. It is time we started using our toxicity to our own advantage. We need to let them know that if they support abortion, they get us; and they don't want us." CBR Southeast Website: http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102674825913&s=20650&e=001qtF2h_jjnWG6Texl47HZTjt3VmsxZ9tXv-Awe5mOqWvEyZW8UvoXnUkuNwqQBn5irLp04gssOYk5wSWGynWmSoq1Oc_4oP0vHPWdI0erZD3N2Wg5oIqgqg== ProCET Website: http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102674825913&s=20650&e=001qtF2h_jjnWF69H9EohQnRwsvpOZC0Pz3Ydo7l9ycfXiYUy9lxAdCmQqy10u-9m8o0E1D6OQDk1NDzowstkBYlsIIzSxZ4JCyq2aqGgCOuQhNjCXOvuOuU-4EAI9bFfV0
Christian Newswire
Friday, August 7, 2009
Pro-Aborts Clouding Issue of Healthcare Reform-- Abortion

Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 8/6/2009 7:00:00 AM
var addthis_pub = 'onenewsnow';
National Right to Life accuses the pro-abortion lobby of "creating smokescreens" intended to prevent Americans from finding out that their tax dollars will be used to fund abortion in the Democrats' government-run healthcare plan.
Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards claimed earlier this week in a piece for the Huffington Post that taxpayers would not be forced to fund abortions in the government health insurance plan advocated by President Obama. "The public health insurance plan...would operate like any private insurance plan would," she wrote. "Therefore, there is no reason to treat any coverage issue, including abortion coverage, differently in the public health insurance plan than in private plans...." Douglas Johnson, legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee, notes that this is the same Cecile Richards, who on National Public Radio just a few months ago, said that the healthcare legislation would be "a platform to extend access to abortion to all women in the United States." "Now she spoke the truth on that occasion," he states. "That is what they are trying to do -- what they're putting out now is a lot of double-talk and misleading rhetoric." According to Johnson, changes to the House version of healthcare reform legislation make it abortion-friendly. "...[T]he fact is the language that the House committee adopted over our objections, and which [Richards'] side supports, would explicitly authorize the new government plan -- which would be available to every American -- to cover abortion on demand," the pro-life leader explains. "It would also allow federal subsidies to flow to private health plans that could cover abortion on demand." Family Research Council president Tony Perkins has challenged Cecile Richards to a debate on "the question of taxpayer-funded abortion and whether or not citizens would be forced to fund abortion under the current healthcare reform bills." Richards specifically targets Perkins' pro-family group in her column.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Pro-lifers Protest Healthcare Reform in DC

Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 7/29/2009 10:00:00 AM
Washington, DC, has seen visits from pro-lifers this week.
Protestors are urging Congress to halt passage of the healthcare reform proposals because they use tax dollars to underwrite abortion. One of the demonstrators has been Norma McCorvey, who was "Roe" in the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the U.S. McCorvey and other pro-lifers visited the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California), but got no further than an aide. "We had a plastic coffin of the little plastic babies smeared with fake blood to give this woman a visual description of what we were talking about," she explains. Then each demonstrator sent a message to Pelosi through the aide. "What I said was that Nancy Pelosi, since I'm a Catholic [like Pelosi], should not receive Holy Communion because she's pro-abortion," McCorvey adds, "and she doesn't deserve to receive the Holy Eucharist since she believes in killing children." McCorvey is urging people on a local level to stage demonstrations against the healthcare bill at home offices of members of Congress because they soon will take their August break.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Over 100,000 Letters Sent Urging Congress to Keep Abortion Out of Health Care

Contact: Joy Yearout, Susan B. Anthony List, 703-380-6674, jyearout@sba-list.org WASHINGTON, July 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today the Susan B. Anthony List announced that pro-life activists nationwide have sent over 100,000 letters to Congress urging the exclusion of abortion from any national health care reform effort. "As we approach the August recess, already tens of thousands of pro-life Americans have contacted Congress urging them to keep abortion out of health care," said Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. "Americans are urging Members of Congress to preserve the real common ground, our long-standing tradition of limiting taxpayer funds for abortion. This is exactly the type of policy the President has sought to achieve, one that stands the test of time, has popular support and appeals to members on both sides of the aisle. Yet both the House and Senate versions of health care reform legislation seek to undo this commonsense policy. Without language to explicitly exclude an abortion mandate, the legislation will result in Americans footing the bill for abortion on-demand in the largest expansion of government-backed abortion since Roe v. Wade."
In an interview with CBS' Katie Couric last week, President Obama said, "What I think is important, at this stage, is not trying to micromanage what benefits are covered. [. . .] As you know, I'm pro choice. But I think we also have a tradition of, in this town, historically, of not financing abortions as part of government funded health care." "Families are at the very heart of the health care issue," said Dannenfelser. "And with pregnancy there are always two patients, mother and baby. We must establish a health care system that respects, protects and cherishes both.
Congress should explicitly exclude an abortion mandate and preserve the common ground policies supported by the growing majority of pro-life Americans." To date this year, Susan B. Anthony List activists have sent nearly 400,000 letters urging Congress to keep taxpayer funds from supporting abortion on-demand, 112,000 of which called for the exclusion of abortion from health care.
In a recent action alert, NARAL Pro-Choice America reported sending 12,500 letters to the Senate in support of an abortion mandate. The Susan B. Anthony List is a member of the Stop the Abortion Mandate Coalition , a coalition of pro-life organizations dedicated to keeping the abortion mandate out of health care reform. The Susan B. Anthony List is a nationwide network of Americans, over 162,000 residing in all 50 states, dedicated to mobilizing, advancing, and representing pro-life women in politics. Its connected Candidate Fund increases the percentage of pro-life women in the political process. http://www.sba-list.org/
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