KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 19 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) is pleased to report that the proposed relocation and expansion of Planned Parenthood's (PP's) abortion business in Knoxville has been stopped. For now. This victory was made possible by the combined efforts of the Pro-Life Coalition of East Tennessee (ProCET), along with the various pro-life agencies and people that pulled together to make ProCET work. Special recognition to Tennessee Right to Life, the Diocese of Knoxville, several area Baptist churches, and area crisis pregnancy centers, just to name a few. CBR Southeast also acted independently to ensure all parties clearly understood the consequences of the PP relocation: pro-lifers displaying abortion pictures on sidewalks, on the sides of trucks, and on airplane tow-banners near PP and in front of businesses who enable their killing programs. They are the same kinds of disturbing photos that have historically been used by social reformers to dramatize injustice and educate the public. CBR Southeast Director Fletcher Armstrong wrote to the landowner, in part: "If you collaborate with baby-killers, large numbers of protestors will express their outrage on the public sidewalks and on streets near the proposed facility. People of good conscience will organize a constant presence that will not go away in a few days, weeks, nor even months. The influence of disturbing abortion photos will discourage patronage of business throughout the Bearden Business District. "Our extensive experience with the public display of these truly horrifying aborted-baby photos has taught us that viewers of every political persuasion will go to great lengths to avoid the areas in which the pictures are exhibited." This last statement demonstrates another way that exposing injustice can be an effective: fear of lost business. Business people instinctively understand that abortion images are so powerful, they will persuade even our most vocal opponents to participate in our "boycott," because they will go shopping elsewhere in order to avoid our pictures. CBR Executive Director Gregg Cunningham commented that "For the past 35 years, pro-life activists have been considered toxic. Even pro-life pastors view us with a certain amount of suspicion. We have tried in vain to make ourselves more palatable. It is time we started using our toxicity to our own advantage. We need to let them know that if they support abortion, they get us; and they don't want us." CBR Southeast Website: http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102674825913&s=20650&e=001qtF2h_jjnWG6Texl47HZTjt3VmsxZ9tXv-Awe5mOqWvEyZW8UvoXnUkuNwqQBn5irLp04gssOYk5wSWGynWmSoq1Oc_4oP0vHPWdI0erZD3N2Wg5oIqgqg== ProCET Website: http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102674825913&s=20650&e=001qtF2h_jjnWF69H9EohQnRwsvpOZC0Pz3Ydo7l9ycfXiYUy9lxAdCmQqy10u-9m8o0E1D6OQDk1NDzowstkBYlsIIzSxZ4JCyq2aqGgCOuQhNjCXOvuOuU-4EAI9bFfV0
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