MEDIA ADVISORY, Oct. 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- "A Woman's right to choose," introduced in the mid 70's, succeeded brilliantly in distracting attention from the seriousness of abortion by focusing instead on the decision making process. The result being that the seeming fairness of the decision making process worked to legitimize its outcome. The late Dr. James Kennedy, founder of Coral Ridge Ministries, defined the issue saying "They have long tried to skirt the gruesome and sinful nature of abortion-for-convenience by making the word 'Choice' stand for far more than its innocent- appearing use implies." Until now, the malicious and distracting influence of "Choice" has gone unchallenged and abortion is never discussed apart from its legitimizing influence. Clearly damaging the image of "Choice" would help Pro-Life move the discussion to abortion itself. Fortunately, over the years "Choice" has become vulnerable to criticism due to its close relationship with abortion. Choice actually facilitates abortion and makes it permissible with the phrase "Freedom of choice" By doing this "Choice" has become an accomplice to the abortions. Thus, "Choicekills" is a legitimate accusation. The Choicekills graphic symbolizes "Choice's" connection to the killing. What the Choicekills effort can contribute to the anti- abortion movement is a new idea that will help change the discussion from defense to offense. From wasting time being drawn into discussing a minor issue to forthrightly accusing Choice itself of contributing to millions of abortions. The Choicekills effort is introduced with a Website, Choicekills.com. It is directed at young women. Judy, "The talking embryo" greets them with the tragic reality of her dangerous existence and asks for their help. Typical opinions of young women who have been enticed to abort their babies portray a variety of regrets stemming from the deceiving image that Choice had given them. Website visitors are encouraged to keep other young women from falling prey to the seduction of Choice and know for sure that "Freedom of Choice" is far from free. Inexpensive bumper stickers and T- shirts are offered as a way to carry the life-saving message to their community. Young men are encouraged to assist their female friends in the effort. The Choicekills project was originated to serve the goal of preventing abortions by providing a method that could unite Pro-Life organizations with an effective response to "Choice", killer of millions.
Christian Newswire
Christian Newswire
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