WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- Americans have received messages for years from so-called social scientists presenting "evidence" that abstinence programs are ineffective, that they actually increase sexual activity among teens. Now, a landmark study on abstinence education published in a refereed journal, The Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine, gives solid evidence that abstinence education is effective in delaying teen sexual activity, preventing teen pregnancy and avoiding sexually transmitted diseases. The study, conducted by University of Pennsylvania researchers and funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, found that two years after the program only one-third of the 'abstinence-only' group reported having sex, compared to one-half of the 'control' group. Neither the 'condom' group nor the 'abstinence and condom' education groups revealed any impact on sexual involvement.
Penny Nance, Chief Executive Officer of Concerned Women for America, said, "This new study is extremely important because the earlier teens begin having sex, the more partners they have and the more likely they are to be exposed to sexually transmitted diseases. This evidence shines a light of truth on the myths that are promoted by Planned Parenthood and those who benefit financially from 'comprehensive' sex education programs at the expense of the well-being of the nation's adolescents and pre-teens."
The study involved 600 Black youths (grades 6-7) who participated in 1 of 4 randomly assigned interventions. One group had 8 hours of abstinence education; another 8 hours of condom education; another 8-12 hours combining abstinence and condom education; and the control group received no education about sexual behavior.
Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, Director and Senior Fellow of Concerned Women for America's think tank, the Beverly LaHaye Institute, said, "When informed, parents have overwhelmingly indicated that they don't like the agenda-driven content of so- called 'comprehensive' sex education programs. All thinking adults recognize that teen sexual activity is harmful to teens and the consequences can be life- changing (ranging from STDs to unplanned pregnancies). Yet, the left continues to offer teens the option of so-called 'safe sex' as though they are expected to engage in sexual activity and that it can be made 'safe' for their physical and psychological well- being."
Crouse added, "BLI's research and analyses show that many of the positive reviews of comprehensive sex education -- self-defined as 'evidence based' -- are misleading and biased. Frankly, leftist organizations have convinced Congress to de-fund abstinence programs based on self-serving, financially-driven myths that have been constructed without a solid foundation in fact or scientific evidence.
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
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