Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Abortion Attempt Survivor Speaks Out Against the Intergenerational Impact of Abortion

I thought you might want to read this from an actual abortion survivor!

MEDIA ADVISORY, Dec. 14 /Christian Newswire/ -- Melissa Ohden's 19 month old daughter, Olivia, was not supposed to have a chance at life because of abortion. Not because Melissa ever considered aborting her, but because Melissa, herself, was aborted at approximately 24 weeks of gestation and survived.

Abortion attempt survivors, in and of themselves, are rare in our society. Having an abortion attempt survivor become a mother, herself, and speak out against the intergenerational impact of abortion, is certainly even more of a rarity. But by all appearances, Melissa is up for the challenge that faces her in her ministry. "It's my calling," states Melissa. "This is who I am; I wouldn't change a thing."

Although adoption was an intrinsic part of her family and life, Melissa didn't learn that she was the survivor of a failed saline infusion abortion attempt until she was in the 8th grade. Finding out the painful reality of how she entered the world truly changed her life and the lives of all of those around her forever, and understandably, it hasn't always been easy.

"Ashamed, guilty, and embarrassed," is how Melissa describes the predominant feelings she had for many years after finding out about surviving the abortion attempt. Even though Melissa felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for being saved from certain death, for many years shame and embarrassment at being "so unwanted," and guilt for growing up to be perfectly happy, healthy and successful rendered her silent.

After a long journey of healing, and a decades-long, but successful search for her birth records and biological family, however, Melissa came forward publicly in 2007 to share her story with the world and provide a voice to the millions of voiceless, aborted children just like her. Since that time, Melissa's life has come full circle, as she gave birth to her first child, Olivia, at the very same hospital where her own life was supposed to end.

In spite of all the blessings that Melissa has received in her life, her search for the truth has not been painless, and many of her experiences have been emotionally and spiritually challenging. Sadly, even though Melissa had discovered that she was living in the same city as her biological father in 2007, he passed away in 2008, prior to ever meeting her. With his passing, however, many gifts have come. Although her father had never told anyone about Melissa, after discovering a letter that she had sent him months prior to his passing, her biological father's family contacted her after his death.

"There's still so much grief," Melissa says about her father's passing. Since initially being contacted by the paternal side of her family, Melissa has now met her grandfather and great-aunt, whom she sees on a regular basis. She has also spoken to her grandmother by phone and her father's wife by email. The pain of losing her father and discovering that he carried the secret of Melissa with him all of his life, and ultimately to his death, is still too much for many in his family to handle, yet Melissa hopes that she will someday meet other family members, including a younger half-sister, that is unknowingly living in the same city as her currently.

Although Melissa has never had the opportunity to meet her biological mother, she has communicated with her maternal grandparents by letter, and she hopes to someday have contact with her mother, also. She is grateful that she has been given the opportunity to reach out to both of her biological parents and their families to let them know that she has forgiven them for the decision that was made to end her life, and has lived a full, blessed life.

"One decision, one single moment, can have such a detrimental impact on so many people, living and dead, born and yet to be conceived," is the driving point of Melissa's message. Melissa's life and her ministry speaks to the true reality of abortion and the impact it has on not just women and children, but men, grandparents, aunts and uncles, siblings, cousins, friends, and communities. Yet it is also about so much more.

Melissa shares her inspiring story of survival and the awesome power of faith, hope, love and forgiveness in by speaking at Christian and pro-life events across the U.S. and Canada, through radio and TV interviews, and through her website-- www.melissaohden.com. Previously a speaker with Feminists for Life's College Outreach program, Melissa is now a member of the Ambassador Speaker's Bureau-- www.ambassadorspeakers.com.

Earlier this year, Melissa spoke at the fundraiser and Day of Prayer for the International Week of Prayer and Fasting in Washington, D.C. She also spoke at fundraising events for Right to Life groups and pregnancy resource centers and also at colleges and various religious events. Melissa has been a guest on Gus Lloyd's Seize the Day, and will be a guest on Daily Life News, a National Pro-Life Radio program, with Day Gardner on December 16th, 2009. Melissa's ministry will be featured on Phil Waldrep's Living with Joy radio show in January 2010.

Melissa is currently working out plans to speak at events for the 2010 March for Life in Washington, D.C. She will also be speaking at the Canadian March for Life in May 2010, in addition to many other events across the U.S. and Canada. For more information on Melissa's speaking availability, please contact Ambassador Speaker's Bureau. For more information on Melissa's ministry, or to inquire about interview availability, please contact Melissa directly at info@melissaohden.com.

Christian Newswire

Pro-Life Activists Warn Senators Casey and Nelson a Vote for Cloture on Health Care is a Vote for Abortion

Here is an update from Christian Newswire:

Our message is clear. You cannot vote for cloture and consider yourself pro-life.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 /Christian Newswire/ -- Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, will join Pennsylvania pro-life leaders in a "pray-in" at the office of Senator Casey this afternoon in Washington DC.

Activists also plan a series of public events around the state of Pennsylvania over the next two weeks to encourage Senator Casey to embrace human rights and refrain from voting for cloture on the Senate health care legislation.

Cloture is a parliamentary procedure in the Senate where debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken on the matter being discussed.

A cloture vote in the United States Senate needs 60 votes.

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,

"The pro-life community wants to make it clear to Senator Casey and Senator Nelson that a vote for cloture is a vote for abortion. Since the United States Senate has enough votes to pass health care reform in it's final version, a cloture vote is a final vote. It is a vote to support the bill.

"Even if Senator Casey and Senator Nelson vote against the bill in it's final passage, they cannot make the claim that they are pro-life or they are interested in protecting the rights of America's children.

"It is hard to imagine that Senator Casey and Senator Nelson would sponsor an amendment prohibiting public money from being use to pay for abortions and then turn around and vote for cloture which guarantees that the health care bill would include taxpayer funded abortions.

"I will be joining with pro-life activists from Pennsylvania today in a 'pray in' at the office of Senator Casey. I will also be working with them over the next two weeks in a public campaign around Pennsylvania challenging Mr. Casey to embrace human rights and social justice and protect America's children.

"Our message is clear and unambiguous. You cannot vote for cloture and consider yourself pro-life."

For more information or interviews contact: Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741 202.547.1735

Christian Newswire