I thought you might enjoy reading this post from October 2009 in the enewsletter from Silent No More.
One of our favorite daily devotionals, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, recently started the teaching with this statement: Walk with God in the freedom of forgiveness.
It’s in the freedom of forgiveness that we find the courage and willingness to be silent no more. Are you living in that freedom? If not, we want to encourage you to consider attending an abortion-aftercare program. Rachel’s Vineyard, Save-One, Forgiven and Set Free are just a few of the outstanding programs you can attend to experience true forgiveness and peace after abortion. Specific information about these programs in your area can be found at www.silentnomoreawareness.org/resources.
Some of you know someone who needs to participate in a program. Pray for God to touch their hearts and help them see the value in going through a program. We recommend a great new book called Over Coffee We Shared Our Secrets, by Julie Surface Johnson as a way to introduce someone to the idea of attending a “post-abortion healing group.” The book is well-written and has real-life type characters.
We hope many of you are participating in the 40 Days for Life Campaign in your area. Experience has shown that when women and men from the Silent No More Awareness Campaign are present at the abortion clinics holding the “I Regret My Abortion” or “I Regret Lost Fatherhood” signs, babies are saved.
At the Allentown, PA clinic, 3 babies were recently saved in one week! Our signs send people entering an abortion clinic a critical message they need to see and many will come over to talk with you when you’re holding the signs. If you’d like to get an “I Regret My Abortion” or “I Regret Lost Fatherhood” please call Georgette at 800-707-6635.
We also just got this message from Edith in Miami:
40 days for Life-Miami is reporting our FIRST BABY has been SAVED!
Elena went to A Choice for Women on Friday morning, around 9:30 AM with the idea of contacting two faithful prayer warriors who are always there in the middle of the week. In spite of not finding them she bravely stood alone over there with her sign "I Regret my Abortion" with her heart focus on her commitment to pray with us for the 40 days. Little did she know that God was already sending kisses her way, and sooner than later She'll be His instrument for LIFE!
As she stood very close to the gate of that place she noticed a car coming in, so she turned toward them to make her sign more readable and to her amazement they made a move away from the entrance and left... "she thought". However the story didn't end there. Just a few minutes later she was being embraced by a woman weeping, and crying, and thanking her, and talking with trembling voice:
"You are my guardian Angel"... "You are the woman in my dreams..."!!!
Then she continued saying that they have already more children, but had made a decision to abort this one. Nonetheless, she was having these dreams where she saw and heard a woman telling her not to abort. When they saw Elena right there, (like blocking their way... that's what Elene always does, she goes as close to the entrance as possible...), she knew that it was a divine sign! They have chosen LIFE!!! And this is only our third day!!!
Another way to be silent no more is to share our newest video posted on YouTube with your email list, www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm_Zb6BgXiM. If you are on networking sites like MySpace, FaceBook, etc, please share the link there too. The new Campaign video is a short compilation of testimonies given at the 2009 DC and San Francisco Gatherings. It is designed to give anyone considering an abortion, a snapshot of what happens when you have an abortion. We also hope it will educate the public that abortion is emotionally, physically and spiritually harmful to women, men and families, so that it becomes unacceptable for anyone to recommend abortion as a 'fix' for a problem pregnancy.
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign has profiles on YouTube, FaceBook and MySpace. Please “friend” the Campaign and add us to your buddy lists, as a great way to be silent no more! YouTube at www.youtube.com/silentnomorecampaign, MySpace at www.myspace.com/silentnomoreawareness and. FACEBOOK at www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=660289885.
Sunday, October 4th is Life Chain Sunday and it offers you another opportunity to be silent no more. To find the Life Chain in your area visit, www.lifechain.net.
Also a special word from our Pastoral Director, Fr. Frank Pavone:
Dear Friends,
We are grateful that so many of you signed the letter we sent to pro-life leaders asking them to promote the video at www.SilentNoMoreAwareness.org/healthcare. This video takes our one-minute campaign spot and places it in the context of the current health care debate, pointing out that an increase in abortion will only result in an increase in pain, grief, and health problems for so many women.
Let’s continue to spread this video as the health care reform debate rages on!
This is an excellent example of how the Silent No More Campaign operates. We do not have a political or legislative agenda. Rather, we raise awareness, so that the legislative and political debates that do take place will be adequately informed by the voices that matter most, namely, those who have actually experienced abortion.
Thanks for all you continue to do! Let’s make this campaign the most powerful force in bringing about a new culture of life!
Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life
Pastoral Director, Silent No More Awareness Campaign
As we noted in a previous email we are updating our records to communicate with you! If you have changed email, phone and address please send the new information along with your full name to mail@silentnomoreawareness.org.
We pray this summer provided you with unique opportunities to experience the beauty of God’s creation and the fullness of His love for you.
Blessings for Life,
Georgette Forney, 800-707-6635, Georgette@SilentNoMoreAwareness.org
Janet Morana, 888-348-3448, Janet@SilentNoMoreAwareness.org
We invite you to submit your one-page testimony to be posted on our website as a way to be silent no more! Send it to Lisa@AnglicansforLife.org. Here are some simple guidelines to help you prepare it:
Here are some basic tips for writing your testimony
- Start with a longer version and ‘boil it down’ to a one page version.
- Be sure each version contains these keys components:
1. Why you chose abortion (who was involved)
2. What the actual experience of abortion and the clinic were like (Comfortable? Humiliated? Informed?)
3. Its affects on you immediately (Relief? Promiscuity? Alcohol or drug abuse? Nightmares? Suicide attempts? Relationship troubles?)
4. Its affects long-term (Promiscuity? Alcohol or drug abuse? Nightmares? Suicide attempts?
Relationship troubles?)
5. Your healing and forgiveness experience.
- Use short, impact statements. They are memorable.
- Have a friend pray for you while you prepare it
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Three Pro-life Advocates Arrested at Unveiling of the House Democratic Caucus's Health Care Bill for Shouting, 'We Won't Pay for Murder with Our Tax Money!'
Nancy Pelosi's event was interrupted with shouts "Nancy Pelosi you will burn in hell for this!" No warning was given before arrests.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Randall Terry, Founder, Operation Rescue:
What: 3 pro-life advocates were arrested this morning at the unveiling of the House Democratic Caucus's health care bill. They shouted "Nancy Pelosi you will burn in hell for this!" and "We won't pay for murder!" No warning was given before the arrests.
Who: Randall Terry; Dick Retta, and Joan McKee were arrested.
When: Thursday, Oct 29, 10:30 A.M.
Where: Capitol Hill
After lobbying and performing skits this morning in front of the Cannon Office Building, 10 pro-lifers (two dressed as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid burning in hell and three dressed as hellish demons) attended the unveiling of the House Democratic Caucus's health care bill. Three (Randall Terry, Dick Retta, and Joan McKee) were arrested for shouting, "Nancy Pelosi you will burn in hell for this!" and "We won't pay for murder!" No warning was issued before the arrests.
Mr. Randall Terry, responds:
"Hoyer says he wants 'rational discussion.' How can you talk rationally with someone who wants us to pay for ripping unborn babies limb from limb with tax money?
"Pelosi, Reid, and Hoyer are lying to us. If child-killing wont be funded, why are Hatch's amendments defeated? Why is Pelosi trying to keep debate off the House Floor? Because they are lying -- child-killing is a key part of this legislation."
Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Randall Terry, Founder, Operation Rescue:
What: 3 pro-life advocates were arrested this morning at the unveiling of the House Democratic Caucus's health care bill. They shouted "Nancy Pelosi you will burn in hell for this!" and "We won't pay for murder!" No warning was given before the arrests.
Who: Randall Terry; Dick Retta, and Joan McKee were arrested.
When: Thursday, Oct 29, 10:30 A.M.
Where: Capitol Hill
After lobbying and performing skits this morning in front of the Cannon Office Building, 10 pro-lifers (two dressed as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid burning in hell and three dressed as hellish demons) attended the unveiling of the House Democratic Caucus's health care bill. Three (Randall Terry, Dick Retta, and Joan McKee) were arrested for shouting, "Nancy Pelosi you will burn in hell for this!" and "We won't pay for murder!" No warning was issued before the arrests.
Mr. Randall Terry, responds:
"Hoyer says he wants 'rational discussion.' How can you talk rationally with someone who wants us to pay for ripping unborn babies limb from limb with tax money?
"Pelosi, Reid, and Hoyer are lying to us. If child-killing wont be funded, why are Hatch's amendments defeated? Why is Pelosi trying to keep debate off the House Floor? Because they are lying -- child-killing is a key part of this legislation."
Christian Newswire
Pelosi's Bill Supported by Partial-Birth Abortionist
Notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart at Pelosi's unveiling of health care bill
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The abortionist who failed to overturn a ban on partial-birth abortion prominently sported a sign at a press conference in support of Nancy Pelosi's health care bill that she unveiled today. LeRoy Carhart is currently under investigation by the Nebraska Attorney General for unsafe medical practices.
Concerned Women for America's President Wendy Wright spotted LeRoy Carhart at the press conference.
She stated, "Nancy Pelosi's bill has gained the support of the nation's most notorious partial-birth abortionist who is under investigation for alleged unsafe medical practices. Pelosi's bill can now be rightly called an abortionist's dream. Under her bill, government money will pay for abortions, even the kind that Carhart commits -- late-term abortions against viable babies that put women's health at risk."
Carhart faces criminal allegations of allowing non- licensed persons to give injections, start IVs and administer controlled substances. In 2007, his legal challenge to overturn a federal ban against partial- birth abortions failed at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- The abortionist who failed to overturn a ban on partial-birth abortion prominently sported a sign at a press conference in support of Nancy Pelosi's health care bill that she unveiled today. LeRoy Carhart is currently under investigation by the Nebraska Attorney General for unsafe medical practices.
Concerned Women for America's President Wendy Wright spotted LeRoy Carhart at the press conference.
She stated, "Nancy Pelosi's bill has gained the support of the nation's most notorious partial-birth abortionist who is under investigation for alleged unsafe medical practices. Pelosi's bill can now be rightly called an abortionist's dream. Under her bill, government money will pay for abortions, even the kind that Carhart commits -- late-term abortions against viable babies that put women's health at risk."
Carhart faces criminal allegations of allowing non- licensed persons to give injections, start IVs and administer controlled substances. In 2007, his legal challenge to overturn a federal ban against partial- birth abortions failed at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Concerned Women for America is the nation's largest public policy women's organization.
Christian Newswire
Pro-Life Democrats Hold 40 Votes to Help Pass Health Care Reform in House
Tax Payer Funded Abortions Could Force 40 Votes for Health Care Reform to Switch
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Democrats For Life of America announced today that they have 40 votes that will vote against the House health care reform legislation if tax payer funded abortion language is not removed from the bill.
"I want to be clear, pro-life Democrats want to help pass health care reform but our coalition can in no- way support reform that includes tax payer funded abortions. If the leadership will remove that language, we feel confident that we can deliver enough votes to help put this much needed reform over the top in the House," said Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats For Life of America.
At issue for the 40 vote coalition is the refusal of the House leadership to include language that would prevent abortions to be paid for in health care reform. For roughly 30 years, pro-choice and pro-life Members have agreed that appropriations should not include any money for abortions at tax payer expense. The so- called "Hyde language" is the standard that both sides have agreed upon for decades. Hyde language would prevent tax payer funded abortions in appropriations bills. Several attempts to insert such language was rebuffed by House leadership throughout the committee and mark-up process in the House.
"We believe in a big-tent Democratic Party, but to not allow Hyde language to be included in health care reform would force some pro-choice and pro-life Democrats to vote against health care reform. If we add this language, we believe we can help Speaker Pelosi get the votes to pass this legislation," said Day.
Christian Newswire
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Democrats For Life of America announced today that they have 40 votes that will vote against the House health care reform legislation if tax payer funded abortion language is not removed from the bill.
"I want to be clear, pro-life Democrats want to help pass health care reform but our coalition can in no- way support reform that includes tax payer funded abortions. If the leadership will remove that language, we feel confident that we can deliver enough votes to help put this much needed reform over the top in the House," said Kristen Day, Executive Director of Democrats For Life of America.
At issue for the 40 vote coalition is the refusal of the House leadership to include language that would prevent abortions to be paid for in health care reform. For roughly 30 years, pro-choice and pro-life Members have agreed that appropriations should not include any money for abortions at tax payer expense. The so- called "Hyde language" is the standard that both sides have agreed upon for decades. Hyde language would prevent tax payer funded abortions in appropriations bills. Several attempts to insert such language was rebuffed by House leadership throughout the committee and mark-up process in the House.
"We believe in a big-tent Democratic Party, but to not allow Hyde language to be included in health care reform would force some pro-choice and pro-life Democrats to vote against health care reform. If we add this language, we believe we can help Speaker Pelosi get the votes to pass this legislation," said Day.
Christian Newswire
Late-term Abortionist Martin Haskell Above the Law and Dangerous
Operation Rescue also seeks women who have had abortions in Ohio
DAYTON, Ohio, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Operation Rescue has released a three-part report documenting how late- term abortionist Martin Haskell has used his considerable influence over years of legal wrangling in order to keep his Dayton abortion clinic open even though it does not meet the safety requirements prescribed by law.
Haskell is most famous for being the first to describe the partial birth abortion method, one he falsely claims to have invented.
Part One of the report recounts the arduous legal battle to compel Haskell's compliance only to end with the state granting Haskell a "variance" from having to comply with laws requiring clinics to obtain transfer agreements with local hospitals. To this day, Haskell has no hospital privileges in the Dayton area, and no hospital will grant him a transfer agreement.
Part Two of the report documents with actual tapes of 9-1-1 calls made earlier this year, that his Dayton area abortion clinics remains unsafe. It further exposes accomplices in the Dayton area that enable the Haskell clinic to remain open in spite of the dangers to women.
Part Three documents connections between Haskell and his wife, Valerie, to social institutions and politicians who may have helped cover for Haskell over the years. It reveals a shocking connection between the Haskells and former Sen. John Glenn, who accepted Haskell campaign contributions then went on to defend partial birth abortions on the floor of the Senate and nominate a Federal Court judge who was the only judge ever to rule in Haskell's favor.
"If Haskell is considered by every hospital in the Dayton area to be unqualified to treat patients at their facilities, then he shouldn't be allowed to practice at all," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, recently named by CNN the "abortionists' No. 1 foe."
Operation Rescue also outlines a three-point action plan for using peaceful, legal means to stop Haskell's Dayton area abortion clinic from continuing illegal operations.
"This is the first step in a plan to protect women from Haskell's dangerous abortion operation. We are committed to helping the people of Ohio rid their state of this scourge," said Newman.
"We are also seeking to speak with women who have had abortions at Haskell clinics in the past year. We encourage anyone with information that could lead to the closure of Haskell's clinic to contact us immediately."
Read the report:
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3
About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America. Operation Rescue is now headquartered in a former abortion clinic that it bought and closed in 2006. From there, Operation Rescue launches its innovative new strategies across the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful, legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore legal personhood to the pre- born in obedience to biblical mandates.
Christian Newswire
DAYTON, Ohio, Oct. 29 /Christian Newswire/ -- Operation Rescue has released a three-part report documenting how late- term abortionist Martin Haskell has used his considerable influence over years of legal wrangling in order to keep his Dayton abortion clinic open even though it does not meet the safety requirements prescribed by law.
Haskell is most famous for being the first to describe the partial birth abortion method, one he falsely claims to have invented.
Part One of the report recounts the arduous legal battle to compel Haskell's compliance only to end with the state granting Haskell a "variance" from having to comply with laws requiring clinics to obtain transfer agreements with local hospitals. To this day, Haskell has no hospital privileges in the Dayton area, and no hospital will grant him a transfer agreement.
Part Two of the report documents with actual tapes of 9-1-1 calls made earlier this year, that his Dayton area abortion clinics remains unsafe. It further exposes accomplices in the Dayton area that enable the Haskell clinic to remain open in spite of the dangers to women.
Part Three documents connections between Haskell and his wife, Valerie, to social institutions and politicians who may have helped cover for Haskell over the years. It reveals a shocking connection between the Haskells and former Sen. John Glenn, who accepted Haskell campaign contributions then went on to defend partial birth abortions on the floor of the Senate and nominate a Federal Court judge who was the only judge ever to rule in Haskell's favor.
"If Haskell is considered by every hospital in the Dayton area to be unqualified to treat patients at their facilities, then he shouldn't be allowed to practice at all," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman, recently named by CNN the "abortionists' No. 1 foe."
Operation Rescue also outlines a three-point action plan for using peaceful, legal means to stop Haskell's Dayton area abortion clinic from continuing illegal operations.
"This is the first step in a plan to protect women from Haskell's dangerous abortion operation. We are committed to helping the people of Ohio rid their state of this scourge," said Newman.
"We are also seeking to speak with women who have had abortions at Haskell clinics in the past year. We encourage anyone with information that could lead to the closure of Haskell's clinic to contact us immediately."
Read the report:
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3
About Operation Rescue®
Operation Rescue is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the nation and has become a strong voice for the pro-life movement in America. Operation Rescue is now headquartered in a former abortion clinic that it bought and closed in 2006. From there, Operation Rescue launches its innovative new strategies across the nation, exposing and closing abortion clinics through peaceful, legal means. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to stop abortion and ultimately restore legal personhood to the pre- born in obedience to biblical mandates.
Christian Newswire
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